Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Performance of Palestinian Leaders , Living Conditions, Popularity of Political Factions, Presidential, Election Negotiations and "ISIS"


  • Only 1 percent of respondents believe that ISIS represents true Islam. An absolute majority of Palestinians (93 percent) believe that ISIS does not represent Islam.
  • An absolute majority (93 percent) of Palestinians do not believe that the practices of ISIS are justifiable.
  • 49 percent of respondents support the return to negotiations, while 46 percent oppose.
  • 20 years after the Oslo Accords, a majority of respondents (62 percent) believe that the Palestinians are farther away from achieving their goal of a Palestinian state than they were two decades ago.
  • 20 years after the Oslo Accords, a majority of respondents (62 percent) believe that the Palestinians are farther away from achieving their goal of establishing a Palestinian State than they were two decades ago.
  • 65 percent of Gaza respondents and 42 percent of West Bank respondents stated that the economic situation of their families is worse than it was a year ago.
  • Compared to the April 2015 AWRAD National Poll President Abbas enjoys a minimal increase in approval rating.
  • 25 percent of respondents positively evaluated the performance of the government led by Rami Al- Hamdallah, and 34 percent of respondents gave an average evaluation of his government.
  • A majority of Gaza respondents (70 percent) and West Bank respondents (51 percent) believe that the current state of affairs in Palestine is headed in the wrong direction.
  • 36 percent of Gaza respondents and 44 percent of West Bank respondents stated that the security situation in their area is worse than it was a year ago.
  • 49 percent of respondents support the return of negotiations, while 46 percent oppose.
  • In a hypothetical presidential election, 38 percent of respondents would vote for Mahmoud Abbas, and 21 percent would vote for Khaled Mashal. However, 41 percent are undecided or will not vote.
  • In a hypothetical presidential election, voters are more likely to select Marwan Barghouthi (46 percent) than Ismail Haniyeh (20 percent).
  • Marwan Barghouthi (42 percent) is also is the most popular candidate among a field of six competitors, if Mahmoud Abbas declines to run. Ismail Haniyeh (18 percent) is the next most popular, while Mustafa Barghouthi and Salam Fayyad would receive 5 percent of the vote and, finally, Ahmad Sadat and Ramadan Shallah would receive 3 percent or less.
  • If PLC elections were held, 37 percent of respondents would vote for a Fatah list, 17 percent for a Hamas list, importantly 36 percent are still undecided


The following are the results and analysis of the latest Arab World for Research & Development (AWRAD) poll. This poll is part of AWRAD’s Compass, which tracks the opinions, attitudes and perceptions of the Palestinian public in every corner of modern day Palestine.

The present survey was fielded from July 10-14, 2015. The poll was conducted in an atmosphere of general pessimism, generated from poor and declining conditions across the Arab World and in Palestine. Generally, Palestinians are growing increasingly frustrated and discontented with the failure of leaders to end or alleviate the siege of Gaza or make meaningful progress in reconciliation. More specifically, the poll was conducted against the immediate backdrop of evident political intrigue, as Yasser Abed Rabbo was forcibly expelled from his position in the PLO, replaced by Saeb Erekat.

AWRAD Palestine Poll is a nationally representative survey of 1,200 face-to-face interviews across the West Bank and Gaza. The sample is a random probability sample and yields a ± 3 percent margin of error. All socioeconomic groups are represented, and all geographic areas are covered by this poll. For more details on the sample, please refer to www.awrad.org. The survey was carried out by AWRAD researchers under the supervision of AWRAD's President, Dr. Nader Said-Foqahaa.

To View the Full Result as PDF

By the Same Author
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