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Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Poll No. 200
November 16, 2015

The latest poll on the Palestinian public opinion, prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, revealed the following key results:

  • (62.3%) of the Palestinian public oppose the resumption of the peace negotiations with Israel.
  • (68.5%) oppose the Russian intervention in Syria.
  • (43.5%) are optimistic about the perspective of an eventual reconciliation between the two major movements, Fatah and Hamas.
  • (58.9%) are to various degrees discontent with the performance of the PA-president Mahmoud Abbas.
  • (50.1%) are of the opinion that the media coverage in the Palestinian Territories is not inflated.
  • (50.4%) are in favor of an outbreak of a third uprising (Intifada).
  • (42.1%) are in favor of a violent uprising, whilst (29.9%) favor, however, a peaceful, popular uprising.
  • (47.8%) call for the resignation of the President Mahmoud Abbas.

Beit Sahour –Public Relations’ Section – by Adham Kukali:

The latest poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali and conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (www.pcpo.org), during the period from October 18 – November 12, 2015 covered a random sample of (1000) Palestinian respondents representing the various demographic specimens of Palestinians (18 years and above) living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. It revealed that (50.4%) of the Palestinian public are in favor of an outbreak of a third popular uprising (Intifada).

Dr. Nabil Kukali, President and founder of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, said in a statement that there is a remarkable rise in the support of the Palestinian public for the outbreak of a third Intifada by (21.7%) in comparison with a previous poll conducted during the period 27.5 – 15.6.2015. This rise in support might be attributable to the Jerusalem uprising, which came as an expression of the Palestinian indignation over the Israeli practices at the premises of al-Aqsa Mosque and the frequent aggressions against the Palestinian people, which now threaten their existence, security and stability and exacerbate thereby their sufferings. Add thereto, the Palestinian people, in fact, want only their freedom and independence and refuse the continuation of this occupation, under the yoke of which they live since 1967. The mere occupation, in itself, is the main reason behind the current bloody events in the Palestinian territories.

Dr. Kukali indicated the anticipated consequences in case a third Intifada might break out and further continue. According to the results of this poll a third Intifada would conduce to suicide bombings inside Israel, the matter which would exert more genuine pressure by the international community on the Israeli public and its government, pushing thereby Israel to moderate its stances towards the two-state solution on the one side, and might also promote the Palestinian cause on the international forums. This means that the Palestinian cause would score a better position at the Arab and the international level and, subsequently, would give the Palestinians a better perspective to improve their militancy and negotiation positions.

Dr. Kukali further pointed out that the consequences of a third Intifada would be a much vicious deterioration of the economic and living conditions of the Palestinians, which might also conduce to a political, social chaos and lawlessness, and to a heartbreaking setback of the educational process in the Palestinian territories. Furthermore, such an environment would encourage Israel to wage a new war against Gaza Strip, which would create there more catastrophic conditions and leave thousands of casualties among the Palestinians.

Dr. Kukali added that this Intifada, according to the poll results, is supposed to be led by the Palestinian factions as these scored the major rate of confidence (46.6%) of the Palestinians, followed by the young people at the national universities and institutions (30.5%). This might be attributed to the fact that the Palestinian public to a great extent trust the Palestinian factions and that there is a growing trust towards the youth movements that are capable of directing and making miracles.

Dr. Kukali further stated that the majority of the Palestinian public, namely (62.3%), oppose the resumption of the peace talks with the Israelis. This might be the result of their frustration, disappointment and indignation about more than twenty years of shuttle negotiations, that couldn’t achieve any tangible progress in the peace process. Consequently, a third anticipated Intifada would spread out and turn to be more violent and bloody in the near future if no progress in the negotiations would take place that might lead to the two-state solution on the basis of the international resolutions.

Referring to the performance of the PA President, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), under the prevailing conditions, Dr. Kukali said that the poll results distinctly reveal the discontent of the Palestinian public with the President’s performance and their disappointment about his speech at the UN and his stance, particularly his appeal that the Palestinian stir should be carried out with peaceful terms and away from violence, the matter which pushed them to call for his resignation and to relinquish his duties. The rate of this discontent public reached the red line of (47.8%), showing for the first time such a negative Palestinian public attitude towards the president. Dr. Kukali tries to justify that from the President’s point of view on the painful Arab reality and the global public opinion that is preoccupied with more hot issues all over the world, the matter which increased the complexity made the President’s position more vulnerable, besides his inability to take decisive decisions.

Regarding the schism between Fatah and Hamas, Dr. Kukali said that the Palestinian public is optimistic about putting an end to this schism and completing the reconciliation process in a manner that is of benefit to the status quo and giving a forward thrust to the Palestinian issue. He also indicated that the majority of the Palestinian public are of the opinion that the media coverage of events in the Palestinian territories are not inflated, but broadcast a realistic picture of events.

To View the Full Result as PDF

By the Same Author
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