Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The following are highlights from AWRAD’s January 2016 poll in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Fieldwork was conducted from 27 to 28 January 2016, and a total of 1,200 Palestinians were interviewed.

The Present and the Future: Violence since October 2015 has negatively impacted the lives of average Palestinians. Majorities of respondents (especially in the West Bank) report that the security in their region has diminished, along with economic conditions. Palestinians report deteriorating economic circumstances, shrinking opportunities for investment and loss of income or jobs as a result of the current troubles. The strain of the present circumstances is reflected in views towards the future. A majority of Palestinians believe Palestine is currently heading in the wrong direction. However, despite this apprehension, roughly half of Palestinians are optimistic about the future.

The Speech of President Abbas: On January 6, PA President Mahmoud Abbas delivered a speech, listened to by roughly one-third of Palestinians. Among those who heard or read the speech, the greatest numbers are ambivalent about its content and report no change in their confidence in the leadership as a result. Regarding specific issues, majorities of respondents agree with Abbas that the PA will not collapse and that no political actor, save the PA, is offering an alternative strategy. Listeners are more skeptical, however, of the President’s insistence on a two-state solution; the need for negotiations to achieve peace; or alleged opposition by Hamas to a unity government.

Evaluation of Leaders: Currently, Palestinians have mixed perceptions of major political leaders. When evaluating the performance of Abbas, PM Rami Hamdallah and Ismail Haniyeh, a plurality of respondents in each instance considers their respective performance as weak.

The Office of President: The majority of respondents are not concerned about reports of the possible retirement of President Abbas. If such an event were to occur, two-thirds of respondents believe his successor should be chosen by a national election, far outranking other options. The majority of respondents also support the creation of a Vice President position within the PA.

The Political Future: The majority of Palestinians currently oppose a Third Intifada. This may be reflective of the security and economic conditions cited above, but also the fact that a majority believes a new Intifada would impede statehood; a reversal of sentiments expressed in AWRAD’s October 2015 poll, conducted in the early days of the current crisis, when a majority expressed support for a new uprising. A strong majority of respondents currently opposes the dissolution of the PA and the return of a full Israeli occupation. Overall, four-fifths of respondents support the immediate conducting of legislative and presidential elections.

A Future Election: In a hypothetical presidential election, Mahmoud Abbas would defeat Ismael Haniyeh with greater support for Abbas’ candidacy in Gaza. In terms of legislative elections, Fatah is the most popular political party, receiving more than double the support of Hamas.

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