Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The following are findings from AWRAD’s most recent online survey, conducted from the 19th to the 27th of December. 230 Palestinian opinion leaders in the West Bank and Gaza participated in the survey, which measured perceptions of the recent Fatah Congress. Respondents included political leaders, civil society leaders, academics, youth and women leaders, journalists, and Fatah-Congress members. For the full results, please refer to www.awrad.org.

Results of Fatah’s Congress: Respondents are divided on the significance and impact of Fatah’s 7th Congress. Respondents split almost evenly with approximately one-third believing the Congress strengthened, weakened or had no effect on the party.

Respondents are less divided when assessing the Congress’ broader impact on Palestine with a plurality believing it had no impact (40 percent). A plurality (43 percent) is also doubtful that the Congress was a positive expression of democracy. Respondents in the West Bank are more positive than those in Gaza when assessing these issues.

Fatah’s Internal Elections: 44 percent of respondents believe that Fatah is more democratic than other political parties, though 39 percent believe it is roughly the same.

A majority also believes Fatah’s internal elections were to some extent transparent and fair. However, a majority (51 percent) is dissatisfied with the overall representation, as well as the representation of women (54 percent). Again, responses in Gaza are less positive than in the West Bank.

Fatah’s Platform: The majority of respondents (51 percent) do not believe that the platform adopted by the Congress represents a significant change from the previous one.

23 percent believe it is a regression with respondents in Gaza more likely to believe this is the case.

Congress’ Beneficiaries: When asked who gained the most from the Congress, a majority (60 percent) of respondents identifies President Abbas.

Fatah Leaders: The most respected figure in Fatah’s Central Committee is Marwan Barghouthi (38 percent), followed by Jibril Rajoub (11 percent) and Nasser al Qidwa (10 percent).

The Future: With the conclusion of the Congress, a plurality (40 percent) of respondents believes Abbas should focus on new elections at all levels. Roughly one-quarter (24 percent) believes he should focus on reconciliation with Hamas. Three percent believes the peace process should be the President’s goal.

To View the Full Result as PDF

By the Same Author
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