Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The following press release presents the results of an online survey of Palestinian youth (18-35 years old) in the West Bank and Gaza, conducted in March 2017. The survey measures support for upcoming local elections in the West Bank, knowledge of recent clashes in Balata Refugee Camp, daily priorities, and sources of news and information.

Among the findings:

  • Overall, 60 percent of youth support local elections, planned to be held exclusively in the West Bank this May. However, support is geographically stratified, with only 46 percent of Gaza supporting the holding of elections, compared to 40 percent who oppose. Among West Bank respondents, only 53 percent say they intend to vote (a much lower rate than previous elections).

  • 86 percent of respondents say they are aware of recent security incidents in Nablus’ Balata Refugee Camp. Overall, respondents place equal blame on the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the camp militants. Regionally, however, Gaza respondents are more likely to fault the PA.

  • Employment and the cost of living are the two greatest concerns of youth, constituting 75 percent of responses.

  • 69 percent of youth identify social media as their primary source for news and 21 percent news websites. Only 5 percent cite television as their primary source, compared to 1 percent who select newspapers. However, the primary use of social media and the Internet among youth is communicating with friends (34 percent). This is followed by news (26 percent) and culture and education (19 percent).

  • While official and semi-official sources of news and information are viewed by the majority as objective (63 percent) and reliable (66 percent) - or “somewhat” so - the majority of youth do not believe these sources are progressive (55 percent) or portray Palestinians in the best light (57 percent).

To View the Full Result as PDF

By the Same Author
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