Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Immediately after the historic visit of President D. Trump to the region, and with the conclusion of the local elections in the West Bank and during the hunger strike in Israeli prisons, Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) conducted a national public opinion poll May 21-23 among 5,00 Palestinians (18+) in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The poll focused on the following issues: the Palestinian hunger strike in Israeli prisons, the visit of President Abbas to Washington and the visit of US President D. Trump to the region, and the after math of the local elections. The margin of error for this poll is 4 percent. The poll can be found online at www.awrad.org or call us at 0599204527.

Optimism about the hunger strike and discontent with the positions of the institutions and the leadership: 88 percent believed that the Palestinian political prisoners will achieve some or all of their demands. Two thirds were dissatisfied with the performance of President Abbas as well as Hamas towards the strike. A majority believed that the strike revived the Palestinian cause at the international level, while others believed that it strengthened the profile and influence of Marwan Barghouthi.

Negotiations and Trump’s Visit: A majority view President Abbas’s visit to Washington and that of President Trump to the region as more symbolic than leading to real change. Two thirds of the respondents believed that Abbas’s visit to Washington was unsuccessful. A majority believed that Trump’s visit has no or little importance to the Palestinians. In addition, 57 percent believed that President Trump is not serious about reaching a deal between the Palestinians and Israelis.

At the same time, Palestinians continue to be divided around the resumption of negotiations, and less than half expect that future negotiations will lead to a two-state solution.

Local Elections: Local elections were carried out in the West Bank on the 13th of May. The majority of voters expressed non-political motives for the participation.45 percent viewed their participation as a civic personality while 15 percent viewed it as an opportunity to support their family candidate. Refraining from voting was mostly due to the absence of any list or the fact there was only list running in many communities. In addition, many registered voters believed that the competing lists did not offer real change or that the results of the elections were predetermined.

PA’s cuts to public sector salaries and services in Gaza: The majority of respondents view these cuts as politically motivated either to pressure Hamas into negotiating a solution to the ongoing division or to force Hamas to take full responsibility for Gaza. Others believe that they are initiated to satisfy Western demands that the PA end Hamas’ rule in Gaza. 51 percent oppose the continuation of these cuts.

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