Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

With reports of potential initiatives to jump-start both negotiations and the Palestinian economy, the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) conducted a survey, June 13-19, of 250 Palestinian business owners, managers, economists and journalists on the state of the Palestinian economy. The following are highlights.

Economic Downturn:Two thirds of respondents describe the Palestinian economy as worse than a year ago with over 90 percent of Gaza respondents expressing this opinion.

Cause of Downturn:Approximately a half of the respondents (49%) cite Palestinian internal politics and policies as having had the greatest impact on the recent economic downturn in the territories, followed by Israeli government policies at just over 30 percent.

Near-term Threats:Posing the greatest threat in the near term to Palestinian economic stability, according to respondents, is debt/loans (31%), followed by youth unemployment (23%) and occupation-related issues such as restrictions on the movement of goods (19%).

Confidence-building Measures(by Israel, the U.S. et al):Respondents believe external measures that would have the greatest impact on the Palestinian economy include: easing border restrictions on imports/exports (31%); permitting investment/development in Area C (24%); increasing permits for Palestinian workers (19%); and establishing free trade zones (11%).

Internal Measures: In terms of measures by the Palestinian Authority with the greatest potential impact on the economy, respondents choose improving the tax regime (24%); establishing industrial parks outside major cities (20%); legislation to ensure greater competition (12%); and negotiating more/better trade agreements (12%).

Impact of Negotiations: Overall, respondents are divided on whether reviving negotiations would have a positive impact on the Palestinian. Regionally, however, Gazans are more positive (58%) compared to West Bankers (28%). Gazans are also more supportive of U.S. efforts to revive negotiations (49%) than their West Bank counterparts (31%).

Impact of Elections:Gaza respondents are more likely to see elections at the legislative and presidential level as having a positive effect on the economy (65%), compared to West Bankers (44%).

To View the Full Result as PDF

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