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The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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Poll no. 132 

Date: February 15, 2005  

The summary of The latest poll No. (132), which has probed the resonance of Sharm el-Sheikh summit results among the Palestinian people in the West Bank, incl. East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip.

The poll is reflecting above all the hopes and optimism of the people for a better future, in which tranquility, peace, welfare and good neighborly relations are going to prevail.

 The poll results show also the growing confidence of the Palestinian people to the policy and peacemaking measures of their new leadership. All these, we trust, are good signs for the future of the whole region. 

In a poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali:

  • (53.3%) believe that the intensity of violence between the Palestinians     and the Israelis will decrease in case progress is shown in the implementation of the Roadmap.

  • (63.1%) are satisfied to various degrees with the results of Sharm El-Sheikh summit.

  • (77.4%) support to various degrees the steps announced to be implemented at the end of Sharm el-Sheikh summit.

  • (71.3%) support to various degrees President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu  Mazin)

  • (62.6%) support to various degrees the cabinet’s decision prohibiting the carrying of unlicensed weapons.

  • (64.2%) supported Abu Mazin’s decree of deploying Palestinian forcesin Gaza Strip.

  • (9.8%) of the inhabitants of the West Bank agree to move to Gaza after the pullback of the Israeli army from there.

From Majd Kokaly – Information Section

In the latest poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali and conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) in the period from 10 – 12 February 2005,a random sample of (950) Palestinian adults over 18 years was included, representing the various demographic models of the Palestinian society in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. “All interviews took place on the basis of random choices of respondent’s homes, i.e. face to face”, Dr. Kukali, President of PCPO, said.

These sites in turn were the beginning of the random sample choice made from that region in accordance with PCPO’s long experienced methodology.

The sampling error throughout the survey is found at (±3.18%).

The percentage of female respondents was (47.6%) whilst that of the male ones was (52.4%).

The distribution of the random sample among the residential areas of the respondents was (67.8%) in the West Bank, incl. East Jerusalem, and (32.2%) in Gaza Strip. The average age of the random sample of the respondents was 32 years.

Dr. Kukali pointed out that the most significant issue the poll came up with was that (77.4%) of the Palestinians support the steps announced to be implemented at Sharm el-Sheikh summit held on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2005, and (63.1%) are satisfied with the results of this summit.

“The degree of support to Abu Mazin was high in this poll, since a high percentage evaluated the performance of Abu Mazin at Sharm el-Sheikh summit at between very good and good and (71.3%) of the Palestinian people support to various degrees President Abu Mazin”, Dr. Kukali said.

Dr. Kukali further added that (62.6%) of the Palestinian people are supporting the cabinet’s decision prohibiting the carrying of unlicensed weapons, (57.8%) support the licensing of these weapons and (70.0%) are worried about the diffusion of weapons.

Dr. Kukali concluded his comments by saying that (66.0%) of the Palestinians support the negotiations held at present between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.

Regarding the decisions of Fateh Revolutionary Council, (68.5%) of the respondents supported them to different degrees.

To View The Full Opinion Poll In English and Arabic :

http://www.miftah.org/Doc/Polls/poll132pcpo.pdf (368 KB)

By the Same Author
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