Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

A public Opinion Survey conducted by the Palestinian Center for Research and Cultural Dialogu- PCRD in Beit Sahour and prepared by Mr. Isam Musleh and Dr. Walid Shomaly reveals that:

  • (82.1%) support holding Palestinian legislative elections next July 2005.
  • (44.0%) support the establishment of a new Palestinian political party that will open new political horizons.
  • (79.9%) support Palestinian factions including opposition to transform to political parties and join a national unity government.
  • (54.0%) believe that Palestinian political factions are not characterized by democracy and transparency.
  • (33.2%) do not believe that prospective Palestinian elections that are due next July will be impartial and reflect the Palestinians' public opinion.
  • (58.6%) believe that a non-violent massive movement against the Israeli occupation will make Palestinians achieve their independence.
  • (38.2%) believe that Israel is the party that has gained most during the past fifty three months of the Intifada as opposed to (17.9%) who believe that Palestinians were the party that gained most.
  • (40.1%) believe that the Sharm-El-Sheikh summit will be a beginning of the peace process and will bring peace and security to both Israelis and Palestinians, whereas (50.0%) believe the opposite.
  • (49.3%) are satisfied with the newly formed Palestinian government as opposed to (42.3%) who are unsatisfied.
  • (59.3%) oppose the suicidal attack that took place last Friday, Feb. 25, 2005 as compared to (36.3%) who support it.

The Executive Director of the PCRD, Dr. Walid Shomaly stated that the poll was conducted during the period of February 26-28, 2005 and included a random sample of 910 Palestinian adults, 18 years and older, from the West Bank including East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip. Dr. Shomaly pointed out to the fact that the margin of error was (4%) and the percentage of male respondents was (51.1%) while that of the female ones was (48.9%). He added that the sample distribution over the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip was (63.7%) and (36.3%) respectively.

Dr. Shomaly stated that the poll reveals that only (28.2%) of Palestinians believe that the Al-Aqsa Intifada has served their own interests, whereas more than twice this percentage (68.2%) believe it has harmed their interest, and (3.6%) express no opinion.

An overwhelming majority (83.1%) of Palestinians support holding general legislative elections next July, whereas only (14.1%) oppose, and (3.8%) are noncommittal.

When asked "If general elections were being held today, which political faction would you vote for?" Fatah scored the highest (35.9%), followed by Hamas (19.3%), national independents (5.5%), Islamic independents (5.5%), PFLP (5.3%), Islamic Jihad (3.6%), DFLP (2.9%), People's party (2.0%), Al-Nidal Palestinians Popular Front (1.9%), Fida (0.4%), none of the above (9.6%), and (8.1%) express no opinion.

When asked if they would support an establishment of a new Palestinian party that will open new political horizons, (44.0%) say they would support, whereas (49.8%) would oppose, and (6.3%) are noncommittal.

An overwhelming majority (79.9%) of Palestinians support that Palestinian factions including opposition transform to political parties and join a national unity government, whereas only (16.5%) oppose, and (3.6%) are noncommittal.

When asked about their opinion of Palestinian political factions, 54.0% of Palestinians believe that those factions are not characterized by democracy and transparency, whereas (34.7%) believe the opposite, and (11.3%) express no opinion.

When asked "Do you or not believe that prospective Palestinian elections that are due next July will be impartial and reflect the Palestinian public opinion?" a plurality (57.7%) says that they will be impartial and reflect the Palestinian public opinion, whereas one third (33.2%) say the opposite, and (9.1%) say whether do not know or express no opinion.

An overwhelming majority (86.2%) support that Palestinian academics and intellectuals take a more effective role in the Palestinian academic life, whereas (8.6%) oppose, and (4.4%) refrain from answering this question.

A plurality (58.6%) of Palestinians believes that a non-violent massive movement against the Israeli occupation will make Palestinians achieve their independence, whereas (35.6%) believe the opposite, and (5.8%) express no opinion.

When asked "Do you prefer that the Palestinian Authority (PA) adopt laws endorsed by Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) or the Islamic Shari'a in the Palestinian law?" (68.6%) of Palestinians express inclination towards the Islamic Shari'a, whereas 15.9% are more inclined towards laws endorsed by the PLC, 11.3% would support both laws endorsed by PLC and Islamic Shari'a, and 4.2% express no opinion.

More than one third (38.2%) of respondents believe that Israel is the party that gained most during the past fifty three months of the Intifada, whereas 17.9% believe that it was the Palestinians who gained most, 15.5% say both (Israelis and Palestinians), and 28.4% are noncommittal.

When asked about the success of the military option in fulfilling Palestinians' aspirations, respondents were divided almost equally as to this question, while (45.3%) say that the military option was a failure, (44.3%) say the opposite, and (10.4%) refrain from answering this question.

Half of Palestinians (50.0%) believe that the Sharm El-Sheikh summit does not form a beginning of the peace process and that it will not bring peace and security to both Israelis and Palestinians, whereas more than one-third (40.1%) believe that it will bring peace and security, and (9.9%) are noncommittal.

When asked about their degree of satisfaction with the newly designated cabinet that was ratified by the PLC last Thursday Feb. 24, 2005, almost half (49.3%) express satisfaction, whereas (42.3%) express dissatisfaction, and (8.5%) are noncommittal.

When asked "Do you support or oppose the suicide attack that took place last Friday Feb. 25, 2005, and for the first time since the break out of Al-Aqsa Intifada a plurality (59.3%) oppose the attack, whereas (36.3%) still support, and (4.3%) express no opinion.

Chairman of the PCRD, Mr. Isam Musleh stated that the main goal of the poll was to probe tendencies of Palestinians towards some of the important political issues especially in this delicate time in our people's striving to achieve freedom and independence. Mr. Musleh added that one of the main concerns of the PCRD was to detect citizens' attitudes towards the existing political parties and prospects of establishing a new political party that will fulfill their political and social aspirations.

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