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Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Poll No. 147
Date: 04 January 2006

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

The target of this poll is the investigation of the Palestinian public trend about the legislative elections scheduled for January 25th, 2006. The poll focused on the public support for the lists of the proportional representation of the Palestinian parties and factions and those of the electoral districts. In addition, the poll casts light on the Palestinian public opinion regarding the fairness of the elections and the rate of participation, for these elections are considered as a substantial step for the democratization of the Palestinian society due to the participation of most of the Palestinian parties and factions.

We hope this would be also an important step for achieving peace and security for all peoples of the region.

Please feel quite free to contact us immediately if you have any questions or inquiry on any issue of this poll.

With our good wishes and best regards,

Dr. Nabil Kukali, Director of PCPO

Website: www.pcpo.ps

The latest public opinion poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali on the upcoming elections of the Palestinian Legislative Council has revealed the following results:

  • (38.1%) Would vote for Fateh list in the proportional representation system.
  • (26.6%) Would vote for the list of "Change and Reform" (Hamas).
  • (9.2%) Would vote for the Independence List.
  • (8.1%) Would vote for the List of Alternative (coalition of DFLP, People's Party and "FIDA")
  • (60.8%) Believe that the legislative elections will be fair.
  • (83.4%) Intend to participate in the PLC-elections.
  • (26.2%) Wish for this year the conclusion of peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Beit Sahour: Information Section

This latest poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali has been conducted and published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion during the period from 28.12.2005 till 2.1.2006, specifically before the commencement of the election campaigns. It included a random sample of 1200 Palestinian adults over 18 years old who are registered in the Voter List and represent demographic specimen of the Palestinian people living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip.

The results of the poll revealed that Fateh list of proportional representation obtained the biggest popular support, namely (38.1%), followed by Hamas List, which scored (26.6%) in the second position. The Independence List and the List of Alternative (coalition of DFLP, PP and "Fida") attained the third and fourth positions with (9.2%) and (8.1%) respectively. The List of Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa came to the fifth position followed by the List of the Third Way.

A high rate of the Palestinian people, (83.4%), is intending to participate in the PLC-elections and a considerable rate believes that the legislative elections will be fair enough, Dr. Kukali mentioned. He added that a high rate of the Palestinian voters will choose in the electoral district balloting male and female candidates from one list and not from several lists. Dr. Kukali concluded his comments saying that the wish Palestinians hope to be realized in 2006 is the conclusion of a peace accord between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Dr. Kukali said the results of the poll were as follows:

To View the Full Result in English and Arabic as PDF (185 KB)

By the Same Author
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