Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

May 23, 2006

The Hon. Peter MacKay
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Lester B. Pearson Bldg., A-10
125 Sussex Dr.
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2

Dear Minister,

Alarming developments in Canada as well as in Israel and Palestine make it more urgent than ever for the government to re-state Canada’s strong commitment to a negotiated settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to upholding and defending international law.

Palestinian Parliamentarian Dr. Hanan Ashrawi recently paid a timely visit to Canada urging that your government to facilitate an international conference on the Palestinian refugee challenge. Regrettably, on the heels of that constructive visit, your colleague, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister for Multiculturalism invited Mr. David Bedein to lecture Canada about the “heroic” role we can play in convincing Palestinians to relinquish their right of return.

For Parliamentary Secretary Kenny to host such a biased anti-Palestinian event at such a critical time in the history of this conflict, raises serious questions about Canada’s commitment to international law. It also raises the question: who exactly is responsible for setting Canada’s foreign policy – you, the Foreign Affairs Minister, or the Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism?

In Israel, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of the Kadima party has set in motion former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s unilateral action plan contravening international law and, if implemented, destroying Palestinian dreams for a viable state. These include:

  • The completion of the 685 km barrier - deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice in July 2004 - which annexes 8% of the West Bank and places internationalized East Jerusalem firmly within a unilaterally-drawn Israeli border by 2008;
  • The permanent annexation and enlargement of key settlements throughout the occupied West Bank and in East Jerusalem, declared by Prime Minister Olmert as being “forever an inseparable part of the state of Israel”;
  • The creation of Israeli-controlled Cross-Boarder Industrial Zones within the occupied territories; and
  • The withholding monthly of $55million in taxes and customs collected from Palestinians and intended for delivery of services by the Palestinian Authority.

Since 2004, the World Bank has identified that Israel’s unilateral and expansionist policies are the underlying factors in the economic crisis in Palestine which “is among the worst in modern history.” More recently, it indicated that if no solution to the funding cut is found, the Palestinian economy will shrink up further by 27% in 2006, forcing 74% of Palestinians to live below the poverty line and unemployment to rise to 47% by 2008.

Repeated violations of United-Nations resolutions by Israel and on-going suicide attacks by Palestinians remain a source of great frustration for all consumed with finding a lasting, peaceful resolution to this conflict. Canadians are outraged that their federal government would dispose so recklessly of our long-standing, balanced position with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

I urge you to restore immediately Canada’s balanced position in support of international law, and commit to a more positive and pro-active role in bringing Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table.

Alexa McDonough, MP Halifax
NDP Foreign Affairs and International Development Critic

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