Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Dear Consul,

During the last three months, the Israeli occupation authorities denied entry to the West Bank and Gaza Strip to Palestinians of foreign citizenships, through border crossings including the Allenby Bridge and the Ben Gurion International Airport. Many of those Palestinians have lived in the Palestinian Territories for years; moreover, most of them are married to Palestinians and have children; they have invested their wealth, their future, and their lives in the homeland.

We call upon all foreign consuls, official representatives to the Palestinian National Authority, international organizations, the United Nations, and the European Union to act immediately on behalf of those European and American citizens of Palestinian origins in order to end the oppressive measures and human rights violations that are currently being carried out against those citizens. The relevant states must urge the Israeli government to allow those EU and US citizens come home to their spouses and children. We must also keep in mind that it is your duty to protect and serve your nationals.

Henceforth, we urge you to act immediately and put an end to the Israeli arbitrary measure of denying entry to all those victims since such measure leads only to separating children and spouses from their loved ones and ruin the lives and the future they had worked hard to build.

Your inaction will only add insult to injury; you must act now in order to end the humiliation and oppression people undergo each and everyday while they are away from their loved ones and the dream they worked so hard to make real. Your inaction cannot be justified; your ethical and moral duties call upon you to take measures; otherwise this can only be seen as support for the illegal Israeli actions.

The Interim Follow up Committee for Palestinians of Foreign Citizenships Denied Entry to Homeland

Nationalities: US, EU: Spanish, Swedish, Italian, Irish, Canadian, and Brazilian.

Contact us
Rimawi Bldg, 3rd floor
14 Emil Touma Street,
Al Massayef, Ramallah
Postalcode P6058131

Mailing address:
P.O.Box 69647
972-2-298 9490/1
972-2-298 9492

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