Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

At 11 O'clock a.m last night Israeli Occupation forces launched a large scale incursion into Gaza city. 35 army tanks (at least) moved from Netsarim south of Gaza city towards the highly residential area in Gaza, Apachy Helicopters and gunboats took part in the attack too, the shelling and shooting was too fierce and continued non stop for five hours.

The army tanks were very close to my accommodation, I gathered the whole family to the safest room of the flat. My youngest daughter age (10) was shivering and holds on tight to me, I tried to calm her down, she was crying and thinking of her school that was chilled by army tanks. As we heared by radio, the shooting was from everywhere. There were many large explosions, the Israeli demolished some houses, I felt that I am very close to the end of my life, I was calm and waiting to face my destiny, at those critical moments I was worried about many things including our safety and the long-term effects of these daily violent experiences on the psychological well being of Palestinian children.

I strongly hugged my daughter, you were all in my thoughts that minute, I thought of the good work we do together. Despite of the fact that the worlds governments turn blind eye to towards our daily suffering, I thought of your solidarity with us I felt Strong and empowered.

Dear friends, let us continue the good work we started together. Let us all work hard to end this ugly occupation. Let us work hard in order to see a big smile on the world children faces, including children of Palestine.

Contact us
Rimawi Bldg, 3rd floor
14 Emil Touma Street,
Al Massayef, Ramallah
Postalcode P6058131

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P.O.Box 69647
972-2-298 9490/1
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