Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Rasmiya stood in front of the Israeli bulldozer that invaded her house and levelled it to the ground and shouted, "Don't demolish, it was built by the UNRWA [United Nations for Work and Relief Agency]."

Rasmiya al-Maghir (42 years old) thought that the house built by the UNRWA has international immunity that could stop occupation bulldozers from committing their crimes.

The UNRWA built for al-Maghir family a house in Block 'O', Yibna refugee camp in Rafah in 1998, as part of an UNRWA project to rebuild the homes of extremely poor refugees.

Rasmiya screamed hysterically, "Stop you criminals, it is the last refuge for me and my 8 children." She screamed and cried while bulldozers destroyed her dream and her memories between the walls of a home which gave a her family shelter and contained her pains."

While people tried to hold her back and to calm her down for her safety, she cried, "Let me go. Let me die in my house."

She called the world that sits silent in the face of all these crimes against Palestinian refugees.

Al-Maghir supports her 8 children, some at university. She works hard to secure food and a life of dignity for her children.

Other homes in the area were also demolished. Her neighbor Um Ramzi Shaqafa (45 years old) stood next to her in silence as of her pain lost her the ability to speak.

She said, "We too, the UNRWA built our house and occupation bulldozers demolished it last week, without any interference from the agency to put an end to these crimes." She the UNRWA that belongs to the United Nations and is responsible for Palestinian refugees is not doing enough to put an end to Israeli measures. They simply compensate each family that lost a house $700-1000.

She said, "The UNRWA must be stronger than this, they should condemn internationally Israel and its crimes against refugees and should have international agreements that prevent bulldozers from demolishing our homes and to force the Israeli government to compensate for what they destroyed, especially those built by the UNRWA that gets its money from international support to better the lives of Palestinian refugees."

The homes built by the UNRWA in the refugee camps are distinctive in the way they look. Most of them look the same with similar colors.

UNRWA released an official statement last September pointing out that 529 homes were demolished and 4000 made without refuge (until last August). The statement said that 97 homes were given by the UNRWA and that 240 new homes will be built.

The UNRWA also referred to other problems faced by the refugees, such as demolition of waste water networks, which imposes serious environmental threats.

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