Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Abdallah Azat (10 years old) argued with customers about prices of vegetables and fruits from behind his carriage in Ramallah's "Hisba" (popular vegetable market) just like a grown up man.

Adballah says, "I've been working in this "Hisba" for 2 years on a daily basis as well as go to school." He says he divides his time well between school and work. Abdallah's family is of 9 members. Despite the fact that his father works in the same market, he is forced to work in order to help. "Family expenses are too large and the conditions are difficult." Abdallah stays at the market until 4:30 pm.

Suleiman Shahin (10 years old) from Um al-Sharyit works on a carriage carrying goods for shoppers in Ramallah says, "The limited income of his family (of 8 members) forced him to go to work." Suleiman goes to work everyday after school to make 20-30 Shekels.

Shadi Sami (15 years old) from al-Jalazone refugee camp was running after people begging them to buy leaflets of Quran verses. He says he was forced to leave school over 2 years ago in order to help support himself and his brothers and sisters."

He said, "My father is ill and does not work and 12 family members suffer as a result."

His friend Hamid Khamis (13 years old) also left school to support 10 members of his family. His father is unable to work. He said, "My brother also works but what he makes is not enough to support the whole family." Hamid's family also receives aid from humanitarian organizations, "otherwise we would have starved."

He says he works for long hours in order to make 20-30 Shekels.

Contact us
Rimawi Bldg, 3rd floor
14 Emil Touma Street,
Al Massayef, Ramallah
Postalcode P6058131

Mailing address:
P.O.Box 69647
972-2-298 9490/1
972-2-298 9492

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