Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Hussein Muhsin stood looking into the distance with pain in his eyes as he stood in front of his home demolished during the Jenin refugee camp massacre last April, which not only made him a refugee for the second time but also unable to secure his family's most basic needs. The shelling targeted his home and shops. Since then, he has had no work or source of income. Despite his determination and strength of will, he says what really saddens him is that his children will be deprived from the joy of Id celebrations. After he failed to borrow money to please his children on this occasion, he bought them second hand clothes in the hopes that they would not know the difference.

Hussein represents hundreds of families in Jenin refugee camp, whose lives were turned into nightmares since the massacre of last April that reflected itself upon all aspects of life. Their homes were turned into rubble and their happy occasions into sad memories.

The child Rawand in 6th grade says, "There is no happiness in our lives, sadness and misery since my father was killed in the refugee camp massacre."

While children head these days to buy clothes and toys for Id, the child Aya al-Amer walked through the rubble and destruction towards her father's grave to place flowers while tears ran down her face. In reply to a question by one of our reporters, she said, "What Id are you asking me about when I have lost my source of warmth and happiness, I feel great pain because my father would not be with us." "I always heard him speak of the dream of freedom which would provide every Palestinian child with real celebrations without the occupation, siege and curfew," she said.

Shah al-Shalabi, a 9th grade student said her dream during Id is for her family to gather together and for their suffering to end. The occupation demolished their home and everything they owned and arrested her brother and prevents the family from being gathered under one roof.

The brother of Mahmoud Tawalba, a Palestinian resistance fighter who was killed last April said that Id for his family is the loss of his brother, home and four other brothers detained in the Israeli prisons. No one is left in his home except his old father and mother and the wives of two of his brothers.

The suffering of the residents of Jenin refugee camp does not stop.

During the month of Ramadan, the occupation army demolished 15 homes, 12 shops and destroyed the front sides of a large number of homes and shops, even mosques, schools and kindergartens.

Over 10 children were wounded, 5 youths killed and over 20 arrested. The occupation army carried out over 20 invasions.

450 families are still without refuge since last April. New families were added to the list of recently made refugees.

Source: Al-Quds daily newspaper

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