Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

I have been surprised by the conversations I have had and overheard in Ramallah over the last few days. I had morbidly expected, as the world watches the tragedy unfolding in Iraq, that the expressions would be wholeheartedly focused on the military actions against Iraq, which echo the Israeli actions here. Instead the deluge of commentary has been focused on the protests worldwide: "Did you see how many people were in Sydney?" "Did you see what they did in San Francisco" "What about that defiance in Cairo!"

I do not want to go too far and suggest that the mood here is in anyway upbeat. This all-too-familiar course of action from Western military powers has very sober consequences that have resounded for decades in this region of refugee camps and martyrs. There is however a change in the tone of references to the West. The change is not huge, but gradual: startled, grateful, optimistic. Hasan Nasrallah, the spiritual leader of Hizbollah, best captured the essence of this in a speech given just after the worldwide demonstrations of February 15. The leaders of Al-Qaida and other organisations intent on terrorist attacks against Western civilian targets, he explained, would have to pause for thought now, and no longer view the West as a monolithic enemy. The importance of this statement should not be ignored.

Whilst I empathise with those around the world that lament such public demonstrations as pointless (and agree that the Bush/Blair/Aznavar/Howard cluster seem to be immune to public opinion), I cannot but encourage these demonstrations for the impact that they are having here. For all the missiles that such leaders claim will protect our future, the greatest investment in global security is coming from the powerful statement of people on the streets. I would hope that one day Israeli society becomes so enlightened, and demonstrates so forcefully. Not just for a vague, mutually beneficial peace, but directly against the racist policies of occupation and exile practiced by their government. Such a massive outpouring of humanity, more than any helicopter gunships or agreements taken on the White House lawn, will give pause to the next suicide bomber.

In the meantime, thank you to all those that are publicly demonstrating against the Coalition of The Subservient currently invading Iraq. Keep doing it. You are taking charge of all our security.

By the Same Author
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