Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The child Mohammad Abu Jarad (3 years old) was carrying a balloon and playing with his brothers and sisters in front of their home east of Gaza City, when Israeli soldiers opened fire intensively at Palestinian farmers who watched in anger Israeli bulldozers demolish their land and agricultural crops.

A bullet hit the balloon, and Mohammad burst out crying with it, not knowing that he had miraculously escaped death.

His father Mahmoud Abu Jarad (41 years old) said, "I was standing with my brothers and a number of farmers watching the bulldozers raze and destroy our land."

He continued, "Suddenly they opened fire at us intensively, so we rushed to find a secure place away from the bullets while they continued to open fire."

He said, "I saw the balloon explode in my little son's hand."

He added, "I hugged my little Mohammad not knowing whether to be happy that he is safe or angry that the Israeli army destroyed our source of living."

The Israeli army yesterday destroyed over 36 dunums (1dunum=1000m2) of land in Abu Tabila area, east of Gaza City. The demolished land belongs to Shahbir, Abu Jarad and Ashour families.

The farmers say that bulldozing activities destroyed land cultivated with fruitful trees such as olive, citrus and palm, as well as agricultural establishments, water pools and networks.

Abu Jarad who works in agriculture said, "The Israeli army destroyed over 14 dunums owned by my family in the place." He pointed out that more land is under threat of demolition.

He said that the Israeli army since the beginning of the Intifada demolished 28 dunums owned by his family.

He said, "The bulldozers of the occupation came at 12:30 noon yesterday and started without warning bulldozing land under random fire," stressing that the area was completely calm at the time.

Abu Jarad and his family of 10 members live of his work in agriculture and in case bulldozing activities continue he would find himself without a source of income as had happened with hundreds of Palestinian farmers whose land were demolished by the Israeli occupation.

He said,"Words cannot express the pain in the hearts of farmers as they watch their crops and land get demolished in front of their eyes."

Abu Jarad's land is located 150 meters away from the road that links al-Muntar crossing and al-Shuhada junction, referred to as 'Karni-Netsarim' road, controlled by the Israeli army. Vast areas of land on either sides of the road were demolished.

For the past week, the Israeli army has waged a wide-scale campaign of land demolition that targeted over 200 dunums of agricultural land.

Abu Jarad said, "Bulldozing activities take place here everyday while tanks are constantly based in the area."

He added, "Yesterday, they set wood and dry grass on fire on the land that was bulldozed, and when the fire brigades arrived, the Israeli army prevented them from approaching the area and threatened to open fire."

He said the heat from the fire affects the leaves of olive trees and destroys the whole crop.

The farmers in the area complained previously about the Israeli army firing missiles at wheat crops with an aim of setting them on fire and ruining their land.

Abu Jarad says, "Israeli soldiers destroy anything they can put their hands on and do not leave until the place is completely dead without a life."

He wondered, "What does the world expect from a farmer who sees his land being bulldozed and his lifetime's work lost in front of his eyes."

Source: Al-Ayam Daily Newspaper
Translated by: Hear Palestine

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