Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This morning I woke up at 4:14 and could no longer sleep. I was to join a couple of women from Maksoum Watch at Qalandiah checkpoint. This is an Israeli Organization that monitors checkpoints to prevent, if possible, abuse of civil/human rights. There are about 300 members, I am told, and they station themselves at critical times at the numberous checkpoints that choke Palestine. Qalandiah has the reputation of being one of the worst. It stands on the way from Ramallah to Jerusalem.

I was there by 6:30 myself and watched. The two Israeli women wore a name tag that identified them as belonging to the organization. I was a guest. Today is still part of the Muslim holiday period for the Eid, the feast of sacrifice, approximately equivalent, I am told, to the Christian Easter. The traffic was light, and the lines were not long. Indifferent soldiers handled IDs without showing any emotion and without looking people in the face. Every so often they glanced at us, three women keen on having them behave with humanity if not with courtesy.

After half an hour or so, we decided to leave. Things were going smoothly today. We left Qalandiah and headed toward the next checkpoint on the way to Jerusalem, not much more than a kilometer away. Here the lines were longer, both for pedestrians and for vehicles. So we waited and watched. The soldiers were taking their time with the IDs, holding them in their hands while chatting with their colleagues, ignoring the Palestinians who waited patiently for permission to proceed.

After vehicles clear this second checkpoint, they usually can move on towards Jerusalem. Not today. A single soldier was stopping cars only a few meters away from the checkpoint and demanding to see IDs. Again. So for the third time Palestinians had to wait. And wait. This type of checkpoint is referred to as a flying-checkpoint, grown like a poisonous mushroom in the night, robbing defenseless people of their last shred of dignity.

I walked home slowly from there, hoping that the tears would not start falling until I reached my front door. WHY? I kept asking myself, as if I had never asked myself the same thing a hundred times. Why should Palestinians have to accept such impossible situation for 37 years of occupation, knowing that it will only get worse? Why should "the only democracy in the Middle East" behave in such a racist, oppressive manner toward a people who are "dying a slow death" as a taxi driver put it. Why do we think that violence will solve our human problems? Why can we inflict pain, humiliation and suffering on one another as if these were not boomerangs that will destroy us as well?

Later on, as I walked on a busy street of the Old City, I watched a group of children about 8-10 years old walking arm in arm in front of me. Suddenly, one reached out and snatched some sweets from a stall without being detected by the merchant. He then proceeded to share his stolen goods with his buddies. And I asked myself, how do you teach children to be honest and fair when all around them land is being stolen from under people's feet, homes are being blown up, trees are being uprooted, roads on which they cannot walk are being built, and finally, a wall is being built like a noose around their necks, squeezing out hope and life itself?

By the Same Author
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