Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of the wind howling outside. It had snowed the day before, and the air had been cold enough to bring back memories of Iowa winters. I peaked out the window to see if it was still snowing. It was not. Lights twinkled in the dark night. The only sound was the wind and cables banging against the house.

I returned to my warm bed and tucked the warm covers under my chin. I smiled to myself and sighed a contented sigh. "So nice to have such a nice warm bed in this beastly night! " I said to myself.

And then it hit me. "Oh, my God!" I said out loud. "There are people out there sleeping in tents!"

Hundreds of houses demolished in the Occupied Territories allegedly for having been built without a permit, but really because Israel covets the land. Hundreds of families left homeless after watching their life savings turn into rubble. Hundreds of children who, when asked what they think they will be doing in ten years respond that they expect to be dead. Hundreds of parents who can neither protect their children nor feed them properly. They live at the mercy of relatives and relief organizations.

Israel brings misery upon misery to a population that is surviving by the grace of God and by their incredible resilience.

My eyes stared at the dark while these thoughts raced through my head. I personally know at least one family living in a tent. I could visualize the mother getting up in the night to quiet a crying child or to make sure she was covered and warm. No electricity; no hot water; no indoor toilet.

The wind kept howling, and in it I imagined I heard a voice: "Hear, oh Israel!......."

"The Lord hears the cry of the poor." we sing in church. I find it hard to find consolation in this thought tonight. I pray for justice. I pray for warm weather.

By the Same Author
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