Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This week I was invited to the Sunshine Pre-school for a performance of the "Nativity Drama." I arrived to find 28 minuscule actors, in their costumes, none older than five, waiting quietly for the drama to begin. I joined the small audience of parents and grandparents.

The school is in a beautiful stone building in Beit Hanina, where I live. The director is a British woman married to a Palestinian, whose children have the good fortune of holding dual citizenship. The family lives on the second floor, while every room on the first floor is pre-school space. Windows, walls, and doors display carefully arranged artwork by the children. There are photos of the children's visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, and of their visit to the zoo. The Ten Commandments in simplified language hang by a door, and above the improvised stage there is a sign that says: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. A blue sky dotted with large bright stars provides the background for the performance.

The director had taped the narrative, punctuated by Christmas music interludes. No speaking parts for the actors. The children did not miss a beat. They attentively followed the narrative, performing with grace and confidence. There was no waiving to parents or smiling at inappropriate times.

There was Mary, falling to the ground in front of the bespectacled golden angel who came to announce the good but puzzling news. There was Joseph, shorter than Mary, holding a protective arm around his bride after having been persuaded by another angel to marry her. There were wide-eyes shepherds holding toy sheep in their arms and then warming their hands at the red light. An angel came respectfully carrying the Baby Jesus and placing it gently in Mary's arms. The three Wise Men arrived following a star held high by yet another angel, holding their precious gifts by their chests. One of the Wise Men made no attempt to straighten her tittering crown so immerse was she in her role. I held my breath for a minute, but the crown stayed on...

Finally, a heavenly host of angels in white and silver entered the stage from both sides and gathered around the holy family in adoration. The performance was flawless. And oh, so moving!

These are Christian and Muslim children who had also decorated menorahs before Christmas and had pictures of Rabbis studying the Torah on the wall next to the Ten Commandments.

The moment was sheer magic. The daily pain, the stress, the tension all forgotten. With my soul full of sunshine, I dried my eyes and walked back into the Occupation.

By the Same Author
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