Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Arriving at Qalandya military check post Friday morning, I saw a huge crowd of people gathered at Ramallah side of the check post, which is the bottle neck between the south and the north of the West bank.

“No one who has a west bank identity card is allowed to pass” shouted a soldier as another pointed his gun at the crowd of people.

After hours of waiting, hoping for the situation to change, many, including myself, decided to try other routes to go out of Ramallah to Bethlehem or Hebron. Most of us were heading back home to spend the weekend with family.

As we entered into a taxi to drive us through the villages around Ramallah, a taxi driver told us that all the military check posts and major intersections around Ramallah were closed and asked us to leave the car.

Even when Ramallah is only 50 kilometers away from Bethlehem, a 40 minutes drive, most of people standing at Qalandyah check post have families in Bethlehem and Hebron but work in Ramallah. To avoid travel hardships, which are enormous, most spend all week days in Ramallah and only join their families at weekends. For thousands of Palestinians this is another weekend away from family.

It is the Purim holiday, a festive holiday that takes place Saturday night and Sunday, in which Israelis dress up in costumes and celebrates the Jewish people's survival during exile in Persia. Police and army announced a “very high alert” state, claiming that a Palestinian was in his way to carry an attack inside Israel.

Army source said that such measures were necessary as Hamas threatened to revenge the killing of three of its operatives in Gaza this week.

The decision to impose the closure was made by Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz. The closure is due to last until Tuesday morning.

To the people gathered at military check posts, Jewish holidays and feasts are endless, it is the story of their lives in the past 40 months. One leaves home not knowing whether he will be back or when; they step inside taxis with no knowledge of where would their final destination be.

Palestinian laugh as politician repeatedly and in a serious way talk about “easing the living conditions for Palestinians”. For the past 40 months, Israeli security has been reporting an average of 40 alerts of attacks per day. Bizarre isn’t it?

By the Same Author
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