Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Al Aqabah. A village so small even most Palestinians don't know where it is. Nestled in the luscious green hills south of Jenin, it can be reached only by roads partially paved and trecherously full of pot holes. Cars going in both directions zig-zag across the street to try to avoid the larger, deeper holes. It is impossible to avoid them all. Cars coming toward us miss us by inches. I don't even flinch anymore.

At its most prosperous and peaceful time, the population consisted of a little over two hundred and fifty people. Now it is virtually deserted, but struggling to come back to life. The bucolic setting is totally misleading. After the 1967 invasion and occupation, Israel set up army training camps in these lovely hills. The village was sandwiched between two training camps, and life became a nightmare for the villagers.

Soldiers used the few houses to practice night intrusions. Families were made to leave their beds in the middle of the night time and time again while soldiers went through their homes causing havoc. Soldiers went so far as to use the inhabitants for target practice. People started dying in the streets.

A young man in his early twenties was shot in the back and remained paralized. He went on to become the mayor of the village and to conduct his business from a wheel chair. He is a handsome, serene-looking man with smiling but sad eyes.

Terrified people worn out by constant shooting, death and destruction started abandoning their village until only seven families remained. The mayor, enlisting the help of anyone he could reach and was willing to listen, after years of bringing up the matter before the courts, was able to have the two major training camps removed, and families who had moved away started to return to their abandoned homes.

High on a hill, a mosque is slowly growing, and nearby there is a school from which happy voices are heard. And tomorrow a group of Americans will try to come to Al Aqabah to put some finishing touches to a kindergarten that already serves sixty bright-eyed little souls. Palestinian from nearby villages will join them. There are doors to be painted, ceramic tiles to be installed, electric wires to be put in place, and trees to be planted. Israeli peace activists are prevented by Israel from joining hands with their oppressed Palestinian brothers and sisters, but they are present in spirit.

A training camp remains at the foot of a nearby hill. Our work may proceed at the sound of rifle explosions, an ominous reminder that what takes years to build can be destroyed in a matter of minutes.

By the Same Author
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