Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

(Ramallah, 8 November, 2006) With a sense of great urgency, The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) calls upon members of the international community, most notably representatives of foreign Governments to the Palestinian Authority and Israel, to take immediate action to stop Israel’s brutal crimes against Palestinian civilians in Beit Hanoun, including a concerted effort to launch an independent international investigation into Israel’s intentional targeting and killing of Palestinian civilians.

In the early hours of this morning, Wednesday, 8 November, 2006, Israeli tanks shelled the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip, killing 19 civilians and wounding at least 54, according to Palestinian medical sources and witnesses. The assaults took place less than 24 hours after the Israeli army declared an end to its offensive in the area, which has been carried out since 1 November allegedly to prevent Palestinian home-made mortars from being launched against Israeli targets across the Gaza Strip’s northern border with Israel.

Incoming reports from Gaza confirm that civilians were shelled during their sleep in the neighbourhood of Al-Kafarnah, where 2 homes were specifically targeted; survivors woke up to gruesome scenes of blood and body parts scattered across their neighbourhood. The victims included 11 members of one family (Al-Athamnah), including a one-year-old baby girl. Palestinian medical personnel have been unable to identify several victims due to the fact that the amount (and non-conventional nature) of the explosives used by the Israeli army have left most of them in shattered and distorted body parts.

To date, all the victims have been identified as civilians (i.e. they do not include any Palestinians involved in military resistance operations against Israeli occupation targets). Israeli military sources have confirmed that the army is launching an investigation into the killings; however, the same sources indicated that out of 12 missiles launched against Beit Hanoun this morning, 2 remain unaccounted for (their specified targets are unclear).

In light of this horrific crime, and based on the fact that the Israeli military has, once again, targeted civilians in operations it claims are aimed at Palestinian “militant” elements, MIFTAH views with great urgency the immediate investigation of Israel’s measures.

We specifically urge foreign Government representative offices to the Palestinian Authority, consulates and embassies to Israel, international and humanitarian organisations, human rights organisations, among others to collectively launch an immediate investigation into Israel’s killing of Palestinian civilians, and to hold the Israeli Government accountable before its obligations under international law (most notably the 4th Geneva Conventions of 1949, which explicitly stipulate the protection of civilians in times of armed conflict).

Finally, we urge members of the media, international non-governmental organisations, and relief agencies to be present in the northern Gaza Strip in order to bare witness to the ongoing atrocities being committed by the Israeli army against our civilians.


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Fax: +972 2 583 5184
E-mail: mip@miftah.org
Website: www.miftah.org

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