Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The Head of MIFTAH’s Executive Board and former Palestinian Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, views with grave concern and dismay the assault against 3 Palestinian students last weekend at the Quaker Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina, and calls for immediate action to hold the perpetrators accountable for their crimes.

In the early hours of last Saturday, 20 January, 2007, at least 15 Guilford College football team members attacked Faris Khader, Osama Sabbah, and Omar Awartani, leaving them with serious injuries, including concussions, bruises, and nerve damage. All three victims are graduates of the Quakers’ Friends School in Ramallah, West Bank, which has close ties with various Quaker colleges across the United Sates, including scholarship programmes for its graduates. Greensboro local authorities are investigating the incident, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has taken measures to determine whether or not the assault was a “hate crime.”

The assault took place at the student dorms on campus; the attackers beat the Palestinian students with fists, feet, and brass knuckles, constantly using derogatory terms such as “terrorists” and “sand ni**ers.” This has raised serious concern among the wider Palestinian community, at home and in the United States, in that the assault appears to be motivated by racism, intolerance, and prejudice. Such hate crimes stand in complete contravention of the core values that Quaker institutions in particular, and American society in general, have long prided themselves for upholding and advocating.

In light of this incident, as well as countless other racially-motivated hate crimes that have taken place against members of the Arab and Muslim community in the United States, particularly since 9/11, MIFTAH strongly condemns such behaviour and calls upon all concerned individuals and parties to:

1) ensure that the college upholds its own regulations on campus and punishes the perpetrators, rather than the victims,

2) ensure that law enforcement agencies and the judiciary uphold the rule of law and hold the perpetrators accountable,

3) undertake responsible and comprehensive campaigns to educate the public at large, in order to prevent the recurrence of such racist attitudes and hate crimes,

4) urge all human and civil rights institutions to take a public stand against discrimination and intolerance, thereby providing protection to vulnerable groups.


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