Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

MIFTAH, the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy strongly condemns the recent Israeli escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories, which has left six Palestinians dead in less than 24 hours. The killing of three Palestinian men in Nablus is of particular concern given the callous method with which Israeli troops stormed homes and opened fire at point blank range on the victims. The three men, Raed Sukarji, Anan Subih and Ghassan Abu Sharkh were all killed in an early morning Israeli army raid on Nablus’ old city.

According to eyewitnesses, Sukarji was shot in front of his pregnant wife and children in his house. His wife was shot in the foot when she tried to come to her husband’s rescue. Abu Sharkh was killed execution style, taking out of his home before being shot to death.

Three other Palestinian men were shot and killed near the Erez Crossing between Gaza and Israel after Israel claimed they were trying to infiltrate the border. Palestinian sources deny the claims, saying the men were collecting scrap metal.

MIFTAH views the two incidents with grave concern. Israel has adopted a disturbing policy of extrajudicial killing of Palestinians which deprives them of the most basic of human rights. Instead of arresting Palestinians Israel believes are involved in attacks against Israelis and giving them a fair trial, it believes it can act above the law and kill Palestinians based on allegations alone.

MIFTAH calls on human rights organizations and all those concerned with the preservation of human dignity to hold Israel accountable for these crimes against Palestinians. Israel should not be allowed to act with impunity and still be considered a country that upholds democratic principles and respect for human rights.

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