Sunday, 8 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

[Translation from Hebrew]

The assassination of Rantisi in Gaza is another act of lethal provocation. It might impress the 200 000 registered members of the Likud Party whose votes Sharon needs, but it endangers the Israeli people to who Sharon leaves a legacy of hatred and bloodshed which might last many years after his own career comes to an end.

With another prime minister, whithdrawal from the Gaza Strip and dismantling the settlements in it could have been an enormous goodwill gesture, opening a new page in the relations between the two peoples and giving momentum to a renewed peace process.

As enacted by Ariel Sharon, even if he would really go through with it, which is not at all to be taken for granted, it is just one more manifestation of the arrogance of power.

Today's unscrupled assassination is but the latest of the daily killings which accompany the hollow words about withdrawal. And Sharon also uses naked force on the diplomatic level. The Palestinians are not addressed, but with ultimatums and dictates. Sharon seems to be doing everything to convince the Palestinians that they have no options left other than suicidal forms of revenge, deepening the hatred and thus making sure that the giving up of territory will not bring about peace, condemning his people to an existence of suspicion and fear.

By the Same Author
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