Sunday, 8 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The Freedom March Against the Wall, that began July 30 in Jenin, has traveled for 16 days and visited approximately 60 villages and towns. On several days the March has been joined by over 1000 Palestinians, Internationals and Israelis and numerous organizations and political parties. They have met with families and farmers along the path of the Wall, under the constant watch of the Israeli Army. On several occasions the marchers have been met by military force as the Israeli Army has attempted to block their path and arrest them.

Palestinians, internationals and Israelis are marching along the path of the Apartheid Wall, through cities, towns and villages arriving in Jerusalem, August 19. The purpose of the Freedom March is to highlight the devastation and suffering Palestinians and their communities are enduring as a result of the construction of the Wall.

The March will arrive in Biddu Sunday, where there has been strong resistance to the Wall. The March will be joined by hundreds more as they approach Ramallah and Jerusalem.

On August 18 and 19 the Freedom March will travel from Beitunia, through Qalandia, Al-Ram and will attempt to culminate in Jerusalem.

Wednesday August 18, the Freedom March will walk to Ramallah where they will visit with the prisoners solidarity tent to show their support for the political prisoners who will be on hunger strike as of Sunday August 15 to demand basic rights and an end to abuse in the prisons.

The Freedom March will then visit President Arafat, in order to share the stories they have heard from the communities about the hardships resulting from the Wall and the impact on the lives of Palestinians throughout the West Bank.

The march will continue on to Qalandia where Israelis will be joining them from the other side to march together to Al-Ram. From there they will attempt to reach Jerusalem. Gush Shalom will be joining the March August 18 at Qalandia checkpoint.

By the Same Author
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