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Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
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On 30 March 2005, Palestinians will celebrate Land Day, known as “Youm al-Ard” in Arabic, to commemorate the brutal killing of six Palestinians who were peacefully protesting the Israeli confiscation of Palestinian land in Galilee in 1976.

Twenty-nine years ago Israeli authorities took control of a total of 5,500 acres of land in Palestinian villages, labeling them “closed military zones,” and used the expropriated lands to further develop its illegal settlement expansion. In response, Palestinians living within the 1948 borders held a general strike of repudiation, protesting the renewed expropriation and colonization of Palestinian land. The Israeli army and police violently attempted to break up the demonstrations, killing six Palestinians, injuring 96 others and arresting over 300. Several Arab villages and towns were declared “closed military zones” and placed under curfew by Israeli authorities.

Since June 1967, Israel has confiscated or declared as closed areas over 55 percent of the West Bank and 25 percent of Gaza, placing these areas out of Palestinian reach. Most of the land confiscated makes space for Israel to expand its illegal settlements and build bypass roads that are limited exclusively to Israeli settlers. In order to take control of Palestinian land, Israel has used complex legal and bureaucratic mechanisms, such as declaration of "state land," seizure for military needs, declaration of land as "abandoned assets" and the expropriation of land for public needs. In addition, Israel has assisted private citizens in purchasing land for settlers on the “free market,” and it has even armed settlers in the Occupied Territories. The Israeli High Court of Justice has generally sanctioned these mechanisms, imbuing these procedures with a mask of legality.

Furthermore, the illegal Annexation Wall, 99 percent of which is being built in the Occupied Territories, will de facto annex 50 percent of the West Bank territory, resulting in Palestinians east of the wall being forced to live on only 12 percent of historic Palestine.

Settlements in the Occupied Territories are illegal under international law, as is stated in the Geneva Conventions, Hague Regulations, Oslo Accords, the internationally-backed roadmap, U.N. Security Council Resolutions 446 and 465, as well as General Assembly Resolutions 3005 XXVII and 3525 A. Israel’s blatant disregard for each of these pillars of international law contradicts basic principles of human rights and signifies commitments only to its own interests and people.

Land Day has become a time to remember and protest Israel’s persisting systematic policies of injustice and oppression against the Palestinian people, especially of illegal expropriation and expulsion. Land Day links all Palestinians in their struggle against occupation, in favor of peace, justice, self-determination and national liberation.

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