Sunday, 8 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

‘Crisis in Palestine risks turning into catastrophe as a result of the EU decision to suspend payments to the Palestinian Authority’, an all-party group of MEPs has warned from Jerusalem today.

But the seven European Parliament members, the first politicians to meet with newly elected Palestinian Authority representatives who belong to the Change and Reform List (Hamas) say that they are convinced that EU demands ‘can be met through diplomacy’.

EU Foreign Ministers agreed to suspend payments until the new Hamas-led government agreed to recognise the State of Israel, renounce violence, and accept previous agreements.

But ‘Hamas representatives told us clearly that they are prepared to recognize 1967 borders and the PLO as legitimate Representative of Palestinian People, which implies recognition of Israel. They have respected the cease-fire for more than 18 months and they are ready to continue, which amounts to non-violence, they also say enough of bloodshed. In the same time they ask for reciprocity; Israel has to do the same. Our diplomacy can bridge the gap’, said Luisa Morgantini as Chair of the MEPs delegation.

‘To suggest, as the European Council does, that they can draw a neat line between aid to the people of Palestine and aid to the Government, which the Palestinian people have recently elected in an internationally approved election process, is not only political nonsense, it is dangerous nonsense.

The impact of the inability of the Palestinian Authority to pay the security services, teachers, civil service etc, will not only deepen poverty but also risks a collapse of the Institutions and consequent chaos’, she added.

Luisa Morgantini, on behalf of the delegation, also denounced that:

‘The route of the Wall cuts deeply the West Bank into 64 separate areas controlled by 740 Israeli checkpoints and seeks to annex most of Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley, besides the expansion of settler colonies and the building of separate road networks, makes it clear that a 'cantonization' of the West Bank territory is well advanced and seeks to prevent the establishment of a viable, independent Palestinian State’.

Furthermore the MEPs delegation agreed that:

‘while condemning the firing of rockets by extremist Palestinian groups as wrong and completely counter productive’. They also strongly condemned ‘the shocking killing and injuring of Palestinian civilians including children by non-stop Israel shelling of the Gaza Strip, where the population is strangled by the closure and on the verge of famine. This disproportionate response must be condemned by the international community including the EU.

The fact that no penalties are proposed which would pressure Israel into complying with international law on these issues, raises the question of whether in fact Europe is serious about the implementation of the Road Map as a basis for a sustainable peace.

The EU must speak up for justice and take steps at the same time to insist that Israel join in the Road Map process and put an end to unilateral steps. It must oblige Israel to abide by international law and to enter into dialogue with the new Palestinian government, that is the only way to avoid disaster’.

Finally, the MEPs delegation ‘call on the European Council to urgently review its decision, in order not to be responsible of collective punishment of an already punished Palestinian population and listen to the appeal coming from Gush Shalom, an Israeli courageous group, which asks Europe to cancel its decision. Review cannot be deferred as the situation is such that it may be too late in a month's time’.

On their return to the European Parliament, the MEPs delegation will demand for a meeting with Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, EU special representative for Middle East peace process, Marc Otte, and European Parliament President, Josep Borrell, to press upon them the urgency of a review of the European Union's recent decision and a balanced approach to the Israel/Palestine conflict with initiatives to get negotiations under way.

For further information please contact the MEPs:

Luisa Morgantini (GUE/NGL, Italy)
+972.547.271.742 Pal- +39.348. 392.1465

Chris Davies (ALDE, UK)

Andre` Brie (GUE/NGL, Germany)

David Hammerstein Mintz (GREENS/EFA, Spain

Veronique Mathieu (PPE-ED, France)

Proinsias De Rossa (PES, Ireland)

Margrete Auken (GREENS/EFA, Denmark)


The all-party delegation met with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as with Representatives of Change and Reform list (Hamas), Fateh, Third way, Palestinian National Initiative and Independent members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, beside meetings with groups of Israeli and Palestinian civil societies and peace movements, diplomats and representatives of European Commission and EU Member States, writers, journalists, businessmen and women association.

One of the most important and hopeful events in which the delegation participated was the launch of a new organization, known as 'Combatants for Peace'. These are people who were formerly involved in military activity as Israeli soldiers and Palestinian resistance fighters, who have seen the futility of violence as a means of finding peace. They are intent not only on building bridges between both peoples but in promoting peaceful initiatives which will help both sides come to the negotiating table as quickly as possible and end the occupation.

By the Same Author
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