Thursday, 26 September. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This paper was prepared and presented by Labib K. Nasir at a June 9-11, 2004 Conference entitled “Media Ethics & Journalism in the Arab World: Theory, Practice & Challenges Ahead,” organized by the Institute of Professional Journalists in LAU Beirut, Lebanon

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Being a Palestinian university student in southern Georgia, in the US, I was faced with many stereotypes, some about Arabs, and some about others, all were equally demeaning and offensive. It’s truly amazing to hear students at universities ask questions based on stereotypes they had learnt misunderstood and distorted. These questions and comments ranged from “Do you ride camels back home? To the more informed question “So do you really hate Jews?!” My answer to both questions was always a resounding NO. I usually followed up with a question asking where such ideas came from and would get another ill-informed answer such as “Well you guys have been fighting for ever there haven’t you?” To which I usually and perhaps snappishly answered with another NO! After a brief pose absorbing the shock I would continue with a brief history lesson depending on who my interlocutor was.

Stereotypes feed off of terminology, which can reshape thoughts and reinvent the norms of reality. An example of this would be the US official’s typical statement which always starts with America’s recognition of Israel’s right to defend itself. Even when Israel is blatantly attacking and in no way defending, the statement will start with “Respect Israel’s right to defend itself,” following this logic through, essentially a myth, is created whereby the occupier is defending itself by invading and killing the occupied! As silly as this sounds to an informed person, it sets the mood and already disrespects and dehumanizes the victims while distorting information and freeing it from basic logic. When Israel breaks international law and expectations by firing missiles at Palestinian urban neighborhoods killing women and children, extra-judicially assassinating another political leader or invading and destroying schools, homes, crops, roads, airports, institutions, lives and more.

Terminology is a very powerful tool. Many examples regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will reflect the bias and distortion of information, which can change perceptions and form opinions that are in sync with those who can afford to influence them. The so-called “security fence” is in fact an annexation and expansion wall. The militants or as they are now more commonly and frequently known as “terrorist” that attack Israeli military tanks bent on destroying Palestinian homes, are in fact defending their people and have an inalienable and internationally recognized right to resist attacks on their homes and neighborhoods. Illegal Jewish settlements, or more accurately colonies, are in fact built on stolen Palestinian property against international laws and inhabited by terrorist, racist ideologically fanatical armed settlers; they are not civilian Jewish “neighborhoods” or “communities.” Presenting them as such is not only a distortion of the truth harming the Palestinians; it is in fact a distortion of truth that is harming Israel and the friends of Israel who are turning these stereotypes into influential prejudices. The Israeli military establishment has been tactfully labeled the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces), giving the image of being merely on the defensive, never the offensive. However, it is far more suitable to label them the IOF, since even Sharon has recognized that what the Israeli army is embarked on is an occupation. Barak’s last minute 2000 offer, at Camp David, to save his faltering political career has been labeled and often only known as Barak’s generous offer, I suppose a spider-web of a state on 15% of historical Palestine is what the media refers to when they speak of his generosity! The biggest irony, a joke really, is Bush oft-cited remark that Sharon is a “man of peace.” It is reassuring to know that murdering war criminals (found guilty at least indirectly in their own country) can redeem themselves so easily to the US administration. Shame! To drive the point further Sharon has opposed every single peace agreement even the one with Egypt in1979. The press has a responsibility to expose these lies and not repeat them under the guise of ‘fair and balanced’ reporting. With the US reshaping its media ethics and values by simplifying topics and fitting them all into the “good vs. evil” paradigm, journalists are learning to dance accordingly. The Press should have a responsibility to represent the voiceless and to challenge legitimacy of a government’s version of a story, placing things in perspective and not allowing the foe to be the judge or equate the occupier and the occupied with the same party.

The visual Media has become highly developed in recent years and is a powerful tool that has forced itself in every house. The power of such a tool has been used to project certain agendas. When the attacks on the twin towers took place back in 2001, the visual media focused on less than a dozen children and one adult supposedly “celebrating” the news of that attack. The headlines showed the plane hitting the towers and the only other image that day was the “Palestinians celebrating.” There were celebrations and grievances all throughout the world in different parts, yet somehow it was the image of Palestinian children, who probably did not understand what they were seeing, celebrating on all headlines throughout the media. Many Americans did not know what a Palestinian was prior to this distorted agenda packed image. Another example would be the funerals of Palestinians versus the funerals of Israelis. The camera seems to always find the mourning and crying relatives of the settler and that image is broadcasted throughout the world. When Palestinians are killed, they show the march of the armed section of the funeral and seem to never relate or touch upon the humane level which believe me does exist but is yet to be, or is very rarely exposed.

The list of distorted information used and repeated is long indeed, similarly dangerous if not more so is the distortion of information through omission. Allow me to elaborate, many times it is what is not reported that is misleading and serves to distort the truth. A recent example is the ‘Operation Rainbow’ in Rafah which claimed the lives of close to 50 Palestinians though cited figure in the media was 40 dead with the addition, and excuse, that most of them were militants. This ignored 3-year-old Tamer and 3-year-old Rawan, both killed by Israeli troops during this operation. All in all, there were 14 children killed, 11 of whom under 16. Is this not worth mentioning? The armed fighters who were killed make up 17 of the total deaths and they were not killed in combat, but as a result of gunship missile attacks. This was never explained or even hinted towards in the media coverage. Another recent example of things not said is CNN’s latest report on human rights abuse in the region, particularly in the wake of Abu Ghraib torture scandal. Each and every Arab country, as well as Iran, was mentioned and a US report citing violations of each country listed was quoted. The CNN report shows a map and talks about Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, then an out of place voice of the narrator says “the list goes on,” as they geographically skip to show Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and continue to cover each and every country in the region. They list violations in Arab prisons and the use of extra-judicial assassinations in some Arab countries, namely Algeria. In the same US States Department report, Israel is mentioned with plenty of violations including its record of abuse of detainees and prisoners as well as extra-judicial killings, yet somehow, the CNN report mentions all the countries of the region absent Israel! Maybe it should have said Arab countries, along with Iran, equating all Arabs are Muslim!

The terminologies and assumptions used by the media are creating skewed realities. Many of these items come from government spokespeople and are repeated as facts by the media and eventually become the norm. For example the word “Pre-empt” is a term invented by Israel and used so frequently to justify wanton attacks on innocent people, claiming that the troops have such great intelligence that they can detect when a Palestinian is thinking of carrying out an attack! The Media unquestionably have adopted and used this term indirectly justifying an unprovoked attack. Distortion is becoming systemized as a result of lazy journalism compounded by enormous pressure on those who wish to cover a different perspective of the conflict and then followed by an organized negative campaign against the journalist or the newspaper, TV stations or radio channels that dare. Lobby groups such as AIPAC or news networks such as Murdoch’s Fox News have labeled journalists and media personnel with warnings prior to hearing their report. Ie. Robert Fisk an Arabist / trouble maker and controversial director Michael Moore.

It is also worth noting that Israel has control over the foreign press in Israel and the Palestinian territories, through closures on areas that can ban media personnel from covering and reporting facts on the ground. Harassment of journalists, restriction on movement when traveling to the Gaza and the West Bank, and the withdrawal of press cards are always lingering. Recently, BBC was boycotted by Israel for airing a documentary on Vanunu and the nuclear Dimona facility in Israel. One has to really assess the losses he/she will endure the minute they decide to swim upstream and question the oppressors and their great influence over the media and high ranking officials in different governments, most importantly the US administrations, specifically the current radical pro-Israel government. Instability and hate in the region are on the rise; while Israel continues to expand an occupation with impunity and an arrogant belief that they are above the law. Israel is further aided and abided by the likes of Donald Rumsfeld referring to the West Bank and Gaza as the “so-called occupied territories!” Journalists are under enormous pressure for they do not want to be on the hit list of the pro-Israel camp. Often, it is not the journalists so much as the editors sitting in their offices abroad. Information delivered right to your desk, which is well written and sourced, is more workable in the pressured world of journalism with crouching deadlines. Systemizing distortions is sometimes blatantly done and other times comes as a result of repetition and avoiding confrontation or negative campaigns by the rich and powerful spin doctors against the journalists or institutes.

To demonstrate the effects of distortions, I will examine a number of case studies in which distortion is systemized and is feeding stereotypes through dangerous avenues. I will talk about some of the pseudo non-partisan think tanks, which are making a conscious and powerful effort to shape opinions in order to empower and justify the occupation even further. I would like to start by talking about The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). The website states that they are ‘an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization providing timely translations of Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.’ However when taking a closer look at the material on its website, it becomes quite obvious that MEMRI is anything but non-partisan for they blatantly promote “the continued relevance of Zionism to the Jewish people and the state of Israel.” MEMRI does in fact translate material in an accurate manner, but the distortion takes effect in material they choose to translate. MEMRI tactfully attributes articles to sources that had not published the material in question. MEMRI is translating parts of an article and leaving out other segments. Brian Whitaker, in his article “selective MEMRI” for the Guardian, concludes that “To anyone who reads Arabic newspapers regularly, it should be obvious that the items highlighted by MEMRI are those that suit its agenda and are not representative of the newspapers’ content as a whole.” Further examination has shown that MEMRI’s president and co-founder is Yigal Carmon who spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and served as advisor for PMs Shamir and Rabin. The seven most senior staff members named on the webpage, which today disappeared from MEMRI’s website, is in one way or another affiliated with Israel. The likes of Mr. Carmon, or should we call him Col. Carmon, has given briefings to lawmakers on Capital Hill. Accusing Arabic media of being anti Semitic solely for representing the voice of the Arab governments and continuingly calling for terrorist attacks against America! It appears any criticism of the state of Israel immediately warrants an accusation of being anti-Semitic. (Even the “Passion of Christ” the biblical story was attacked as anti-Semitic.) This is a blatant example of distortion in the media. A pro-Israel body is being regarded as a non-partisan source of information and is being used by lawmakers and journalists as factual material.

I would like to discuss another dangerous study which I came across. The BBC children’s website offers a “Guide to the Middle East Conflict” in which the BBC presents the conflict and its issues to children between the ages of 11-14. The “guide” was shockingly pro-Israeli. There is no mention of the word “occupation” and both the Palestinians and the Israelis are portrayed as equal. Simplifying history and repeating false information in a manner that is misleading to children who are at an impressionable age is an outrage. When citing history, the report talks about both Israelis and Palestinians being displaced in 1948 giving the impression that there is some sort of equal comparison between the two in a blatant misrepresentation of the facts. Palestinians are fighting against Israeli “control” the report says, and draws comparison between the PLO and Israel as equal partners with equal ‘sacrifices’ for the sake of peace. Also, there is a quiz section at the end of this report, which reaffirms the distortions learnt and suggests that Jerusalem, a city occupied in 1967, is Israel’s capital, without for example mentioning that the UK does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and for that matter neither does the international law or even the pro-Israeli US government. Interestingly enough, the National School Curriculum the body responsible for this section, aims to teach its students legal and human rights and responsibilities underpinning society and the importance of resolving a conflict ‘fairly’! We, at MIFTAH, have written a letter to complain about this biased study. Recently, the study has been amended, yet it still fails to mention the word “occupation”.

A third case study provided by Fairness and Accuracy Reporting study which shows that only 4 % of US networks report that violent events are actually taking place in an area illegally occupied by Israel, in contravention to international law. The reporting transforms the illegal Jewish-only settlements/colonies built on Palestinian land into benign “Jewish neighborhoods” and makes Israel appear to be engaged in self defense. There have been some very slick PR campaigns to ensure that distortions are systemized with no room for error. The news is often filtered several times over, going through Israeli government press offices, American hired PR firms, Israeli consulates and finally, just in case something managed to slip in, so-called media watch dogs, which include groups like “Camera” and “HonestReporting.”

Another case study, conducted in the Bay Area by an organization called “If Americans Knew” concluded that Israeli deaths are covered at far higher rates (2-25 times greater than Palestinian ones). Their examination included the San Francisco Chronicle, which has been accused of being pro-Palestinian in the past. They report that during an extended period of time, 93 Palestinian children were killed but generated only six headlines while four Israeli children were killed but generated six headlines. Interestingly enough the, San Francisco Bay based organization attempted to meet with the staff of the Chronicle to present their results to a team of editors and got a negative reply. The newspaper’s “reader’s representative,” Dick Rogers, wrote in an e-mail that his job was “not to defend the newspaper,” but he has refused to set up a meeting with Chronicle editors. Rogers termed the report “incendiary.” Earlier, a pro-Israel group contending that Chronicle coverage was “pro-Palestinian” had been granted a long meeting with eight top Chronicle editors. Their complaints received news coverage and an apology.

There are so many cases that are resulting in the Palestinians finding themselves faced with being convicted and judged by their oppressor. Distortion is so well organized and stereotypes are imbedded in a way that is difficult to undo and easier to simply adopt and jump on the ban-wagon. Taking a stance and making the right decision is never easy, and is very difficult when it comes to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Today the media has an authority in the way it projects an idea or even distorts historical facts for the sake of agendas of injustice and abuse of freedoms. Further, the media can project certain people as being less than human thus affecting the viewer/reader and his/her judgment of how worthy such a person is of decent life and liberty. Stereotyping and wrong reporting is inflicting harsh and cruel judgment against the "victims" of such distortion and that is very dangerous and will certainly backfire someday.


“Rights and Responsibilities” in “An Unfettered Press” by Robert H. Estabook
Case Study of Pro-Israel Bias by Islamic Human Rights Commission Media Monitoring alert: www.inminds.co.uk
“Reversing Reality: Newspaper Coverage of Israel and Palestine” by Sarah Weir “Selective MEMRI” published in The Guardian by Brian Whitaker
“How Reality is Distorted to Serve an Agenda” by Mazen Qumsieh
Media Stereotyping- Introduction by Media Awareness Network www.media-awarness.ca
Facing History and Ourselves in Resource Book: Holocaust and Human Behavior by Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc Brookline, Ma
Palestine Media Watch: www.pmwatch.org/pmw/index.asp
Honest Reports UK: www.honestreports.com
If Americans Knew: www.ifamericansknew.org

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