Saturday, 31 August. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Contrary to worldwide news reports, the Apartheid Wall (also referred to as the "fence" or "security fence"), which Israel is currently building in the northeast of the West Bank, will not mark the 1967 border, also known as the "Green Line". Rather, this latest offensive, occurring on some of the most fertile land in Palestine, is a further chapter in Israel's annexation of lands, destruction of agriculture and property.

In the northern West Bank, the first phase of the Apartheid Wall is to be approximately 115km long and is to include electric fences, trenches, cameras, sensors, and security patrols, at a cost tens of millions of dollars. The height of the Apartheid Wall will average 8 meters (25 feet) and, in its entirety, it will cover at least 350km, somewhat encircling the West Bank. In this first phase, which will see the confiscation of close to 2% of the West Bank, at least 30 villages will loose parts or all of their lands. In an area 40 kilometers north of Qalqiliya, approximately 90,000 dunums (90 km square) will be lost as a consequence of the Apartheid Wall.

Altogether, the first phase is expected to see the confiscation of between 160,000- 180,000 dunums. The residential areas of at least 15 villages will be east of the Apartheid Wall, while a significant portion of their lands will be either between the Apartheid Wall or on the other side. In addition, the city of Qalqiliya, which is the urban center for the entire area, will be almost completely encircled by the Apartheid Wall.

By the Same Author
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