Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The 'Quartet' comprised of US, UN, EU and Russia met again to follow up on the Middle East 'roadmap for peace,' developed by the EU and adopted as yet another vision for settling the conflict. The vision has not changed; it is based on UN resolutions 242, 338 and 1397, the Madrid terms of reference, the principal of land for peace and the implementation of all existing agreements between the parties. The 'Quartet' reaffirmed the importance of the Saudi initiative endorsed at the Arab League Beirut Summit, naming it "a vital part of the foundation of the international effort to promote a comprehensive peace on all tracks."

The roadmap outlined three initial phases:

1. This phase in intended to be in place by mid 2003, and includes comprehensive security reforms, Israeli withdrawal to September 2000 borders as the situation 'improves,' and support for free Palestinian elections early in 2003. Comprehensive security reforms are being undermined by Israel, by continuing to place restrictions on Palestinians as well as preventing dozens of Palestinian security personnel from attending CIA-led training. Holding an election would seem a joke given that 80% of the Palestinian population is not allowed to travel within their towns and villages to register their votes. As for the September 2000 borders, they include only 30 to 40% of the occupied land, which is shrinking as Israel continues to confiscate more land and build more illegal settlements on privately owned Palestinian land.

2. The second phase intended to last until end of 2004 with a "focus on creating a Palestinian State with 'provisional' borders as a way station to a permanent status." These 'efforts' which 'should' focus on creating a Palestinian State are in reality up to Israel to determine. The world can focus their efforts, but without Israeli cooperation and under Ariel Sharon's government the Palestinians will be left under the mercy of an oppressive occupier. A 'provisional' State, a temporary country, or whatever else one would name this nonsensical idea, does not meet the aspirations of the Palestinian people and is mocking the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

3. Should take place by 2005 and talks about "negotiations aimed at a permanent status solution in 2005." This settlement should be based on resolutions 242 and 338, with Israeli withdrawal to secure and recognized borders. Negotiations are a painful memory for Palestinians, who have seen the number of settlements double, regardless of signed agreements, since negotiations started in 93 and are looking for assurances that hold Israel accountable. No mention of the refugees' right of return in addition to having no restrictions on Israeli settlement activity is in the end offering a modest fraction of what international law recognizes as Palestinian rights.

Israel is challenging the Palestinian right of existence, by using this period not to prepare their people for peace, but to deepen their ties to the occupied land through confiscation of land and erection of 'security walls' built on occupied land, steeling more land than Israel has in the past 35 years. The world realizes occupation to be the root of the problem in the Middle East. UN resolutions must be enforced by an international task force. International observers could serve to pressure both Palestinians and Israelis, only then might Israel feel the pinch and truly make peace.

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