Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Arafat has long stood as the symbol of Palestinian aspirations for independence and has outlasted several Israeli Prime Ministers, driving them insane in the process and even collecting a Noble peace prize. Sharon, heedful of this, appears fearful of not being the last man standing and has, as a result, a personal vendetta to rip Arafat apart. Through a strange twist in politics, Sharon has placed himself in a catch-22 scenario; if he kills, injures or deports Arafat he will be endangering Israel's interests, as he would fuel large scale protest from Palestinians, outrage the Arab world and incur heavy criticism from the international community and this is but a mild prediction. However, Sharon is determined and he is too old to wait for Arafat to disappear of his own free will.

Exploiting the latest suicide attack, Sharon has sent his army to execute operation "A Matter of Time" and completely obliterate the Muqata, Arafat's block-wide compound. Israeli engineers even demolished part of the building housing Arafat, and 200 others, in order to restrict him to one floor. With the exception of this half destroyed building the entire compound has been leveled, leading a BBC correspondent to describe it as "a lonely island in a sea of rubble." A deep trench was dug near Arafat's building to top off the complete physical isolation of the Palestinian leader and an Israeli flag was hoisted. Of course, accompanying this operation is the imposition of a strict curfew on all Palestinian cities and making Ramallah a closed military zone.

Is this the end for Arafat? Hardly, in fact, this latest Israeli siege is likely to increase Arafat's popularity, silence his Palestinian critics and, once again, endow him with the image of a hero. As determined as Sharon may be to get rid of his nemesis, Arafat is equally defiant and too old to give a damn; patience while under siege has become his forte in what has now become a routine showdown with his Israeli counterpart. Buoyed by the demonstration Palestinians have been holding against Israel's latest operation and by such chanting as "long live Arafat," remaining defiant is the only thing he has to do to remain in power. Ironically, for a man the world is intent on marginalizing, the besiegement of his compound, coupled with a possible attack on Iraq, has managed to drive up oil prices worldwide, a move that negatively affects the ailing US economy.

Israel would like to deport Arafat, or even better coax him into leaving the territories and never coming back. It seems clear that this last operation is meant to make life so unpleasant on Arafat that he will opt to leave. Sharon and his goons constantly raise the possibility of deportation, though such minor complications as Israel's best interest have until now foiled their plans. The Environment Minister Tzachi Hanegbi said, "He [Arafat] will be deported. This man is finished." Yet this man remains the salt on Israel's bruise. Of course, Israel is now adopting this ridiculous official line, which says Arafat is free to leave the compound at any moment and so he is not under siege, but should he choose to do so he will be given a "one-way ticket" out of the occupied territories.

Israel's timing to isolate Arafat could not be any worse, as even the US can not afford to fully back Israel's actions. The reason being that the US needs a resolution passed that would allow it to attack Iraq, and does not want to disturb the meager support it has managed to establish. Therefore, a Security Council meeting to discuss a Palestinian resolution calling on Israel to immediately withdraw from Muqata might not receive a US veto, provided it does not harshly condemn Israel's operation. Moreover, international criticism of Israel's actions is beginning to pour in, with France calling Israel's siege "unacceptable". Things appear to be going more in favor of Arafat, in fact, Sharon seems to have helped his archrival circumvent internal unrest and reclaim his popularity. "Its not a war, but it's psychological combat," an Israeli commander said of the Ramallah operation. While Sharon can physically cripple Arafat, their psychological showdown appears to place Sharon in an equally vulnerable playing field, as all his plans against Arafat seem to empower Arafat.

So, I ask again, is this the end for Arafat that Israel is hoping to achieve through operation "A Matter of Time"? Hardly.

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