Thursday, 4 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

According to Israeli sources, eight illegal settlement outposts were removed yesterday, bringing the total number of outposts dismantled this week to 12. However, only one of those removed to date was inhabited. In total only five out of 24 outposts set to be dismantled have inhabitants. Many of these outposts were deliberately set up by settlers to serve as a “sacrifice,” if the time to dismantle came around. Through objecting to the evacuation and dismantlement of these outposts, the settlers are creating a distraction and diversion to the problem of settlements by highlighting a few uninhabited outposts, which are in reality an offspring of older illegal settlements, as a sign of their willingness to compromise. Illegal settlements do not gain legitimacy over the years and international law has been very clear and firm on this subject, though the international community has yet to take concrete steps to pressure Israel to freeze building settlements.

UN security council resolution 446, passed in 1979, affirms that Israeli settlements are illegal, in accordance with article 49 of the fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of a civilian population to occupied territory. That is also the position of the EU, whose rotating presidency Denmark holds. Israel has never taken international law, concerns or criticism seriously and in fact has for long defied the international community. An Israeli newspaper Haaretz editorial article reported, “What is not legal today will become legal tomorrow. All they have to do is maneuver properly in the halls of power. As proof, they point, justifiably, to three decades of successful maneuvering - always with the support of their patron, Sharon - and to the fact that they have stubbornly kept a grip on almost every place they have put down stakes.” Unfortunately, it is these settlers and their supporters within the government who are a true obstacle to peace.

The fact that Palestinian urban areas are completely surrounded by strategically placed illegal settlements, coupled with no control over water resources and the continued Israeli control of West Bank roads, makes one wonder how a Palestinian state can ever be a viable reality. These hilltop caravans are also designed to psychologically trump Palestinian aspirations for an independent state. The PLO’s Negotiation Affairs Department has recently released a document warning that, “if the international community continues to remain unwilling to reign in Israeli colony construction and expansion, irreversible ‘fact on the ground’ and the de facto aparthied system, such facts create will force Palestinian policy makers to re-evaluate the plausibility of a two state solution.”

The Palestinian people have sacrificed a lot for freedom and peace, as evident through the significant and responsible compromise of recognizing Israel’s right to exist on 78% of historical Palestine. This extended hand for peace was countered by the doubling of illegal settlements, both in number and size, rather than conforming with the call for the immediate freeze of all settlement activity in the occupied territories, agreed upon in the Oslo Decleration of Principals 1994. The settler’s Yesha Council continues to effectivly lobby the Israeli cabinet in an effort to hault the evacuation of these uninhibited outposts. Peace seekers in the Israeli community remain quiet and ineffective regardless of their knowledge of the fact, obviouse to most, that the illegal settlements are the greatest obstacle to peace in the region.

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