Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Israel should stop calling its attacks in the Gaza Strip and south Lebanon “military strikes.” Let’s get real. Anyone with eyes and ears and a smidgen of a brain can see what kind of targets Israel has been hitting in its most recent rampage in both Palestine and Lebanon.

In the past 72 hours, Israeli air and ground forces have killed a total of 60 Lebanese civilians; since July 6 it has bombed and killed 83 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The closest Israel has gotten to “military targets” was its claim that it wounded chief commander of Hamas’ Izzedin Qassam Brigades, Mohammed Deif in one of its air strikes. The Brigades say the claim is bogus and that Deif is alive and well. In one particularly horrendous air strike in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City, Israeli F-16s dropped bombs on an apartment building, reducing it to rubble. A meeting for senior Hamas operatives was ongoing at the time, Israel claimed, planning atrocious attacks on Israel.

What rescue workers, neighbors and shocked Gaza residents pulled out from beneath the mangled steel and crumbled cement that night were not plotting terrorists, sitting around a map of Israel placing little sticker bombs in strategically crowded civilian areas. Rather, it was a family, now completely annihilated in one sweeping strike. A father, Islamic University lecturer, Dr. Nabil Abu Silmiyeh, his wife and seven children were pulled limp, doll-like and bloody from among the debris amid wails of shocked, angry and traumatized residents.

They had been sleeping – it was after all three in the morning when the F-16 delivered its nocturnal gift – but this never has been a consideration of the Israeli army when it decides to strike.

In killing Palestinian civilians, Israel has always used the hackneyed excuse that “terrorist groups” take cover among the civilian population, thus putting them in harm’s way. Never mind that Israel has been proven time and time again that this is not the case when whole families are wiped out and children orphaned while military groups – and in this instance, the Israeli soldier in captivity - remain tucked away in some secure and unexposed corner somewhere in the Strip.

Now, obviously for lack of any better excuse, Israel is spewing out the same rubbish as it perpetrates its atrocities in South Lebanon, saying it was forced to strike these civilian areas because Hizballah sets up positions among them.

No one expected that Israel would not respond in some way to Hizballah’s operation at the Lebanese-Israeli border on July 12. It was, if nothing else, one of Hizballah’s most sophisticated and successful military operations in years. In its attack on an Israeli tank, Hizballah guerillas were able to completely destroy the vehicle, killing eight Israeli soldiers and capturing the two that managed to stay alive.

Now, much like the Israeli soldier captured last month by Palestinian military groups in Gaza, the two Israeli soldiers are somewhere in Lebanon, and Israel wants them back. It says it will not negotiate with Hizballah for their release and Hizballah’s leader Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah vows the soldiers will never go home unless Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners are released from Israeli jails.

So, instead of hammering out a prisoner exchange deal – a move that would have definitely defused much of the tension between the historical arch enemies, Israel decided to flex its military muscles. But as usual, in considering itself above any law, Israel has unleashed a fury on south Lebanon and Beirut not witnessed there in years.

Here, Israel’s arrogant and brutal policies in the region become apparent once again, its attacks on Lebanon showing an uncanny resemblance to those on the Gaza Strip. Israel’s goals in both places are, needless to say, also frightfully similar.

Under the pretext of its “security” Israel bombards, invades, shells, kills scores of civilians and destroys the infrastructure. In Gaza following the capture of the Israeli soldier, Israeli air forces bombed three bridges (last night a fourth was bombed) and shelled the major power plant in the Strip.

In Lebanon over the past three days the Beirut International Airport was struck, incapacitating it, bridges in the south of Lebanon were bombed and the main Beirut-Damascus highway destroyed.

While Israel continues to claim that its actions were provoked by Hizballah’s “act of war” and that its main goal is to retrieve its captured soldiers, the real goal is to destroy the Lebanese resistance movement, something Israel has wanted to do for years. Hizballah has always been a thorn in Israel’s side and has proven its unwillingness to compromise its stances vis-à-vis the Sheba’a Farms, which it insists remain under Israeli occupation. Hence, as a resistance movement, it continues to fight for the liberation of Lebanese land from foreign invaders and has showed its loyalty repeatedly to the Palestinian resistance movement as well.

For Israel, Hizballah symbolizes much more. Just as it continues to try and squash any spirit of resistance among the Palestinians under the guise of defending its security, Israel wants to rid itself of any threat from its neighbors. Since it has succeeded in neutralizing its neighboring Arab governments across the board, the exception perhaps being Syria which at best pays revolutionary lip-service to the Palestinian cause, the only real threat to Israel at this time is Hizballah.

What is so unsettling, however, is that Israel allows itself and has been allowed in every way that counts by the international community, to reach its goals using sheer terror. No Hizballah fighters have been killed so far in the Lebanese raids, only innocent civilians. In the south Lebanon village of Dweir, a young girl lost her life in an Israeli air raid along with her mother and nine siblings. Sound familiar?

Three Lebanese were killed in an overnight raid on the Beirut airport – television footage showed an elderly man being wheeled off on a stretcher and a bloodied man in shorts pleading before the cameras.

This seems to be Israel’s style - to terrorize the civilian population as a way of turning the people against each other. For Israel, if they cannot quell the voices of resistance with oppression, then why not kill mercilessly and have the people blame each other for bringing this wrath on themselves? It is the fault of the Palestinian Authority for not reining in the “militant groups” and the fault of the Lebanese government for not controlling Hizballah. It is also Syria’s fault, by the way, for supporting and funding this Shiite “terrorist” organization. Has no one thought of putting the blame where it belongs? Should Israel not be held accountable for the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and the Shebaa Farms and for years of oppressing an entire nation?

It is time for the people of the world to see beyond the hypocrisy and double standards of their governments and realize that Israel’s security cannot be at the expense of the right of a nation to live in freedom and dignity. This is the point the Palestinians have been making for years. Today, Hizballah and the Lebanese people are driving the point home.

Joharah Baker is a Writer for the Media and Information Programme at the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH). She could be contacted at mip@miftah.org

By the Same Author
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