Tuesday, 2 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The continued dispossession, displacement, and uprooting of 4.5 million Palestinian refugees, the eradication of 531 Palestinian villages in 1948, the colonisation of 78% of historical Palestine, and almost 40 years of an oppressive and brutal military occupation of what remained (the West Bank and the Gaza Strip) are apparently not enough for Israel, the US, and the majority of international society to acknowledge that it is the Palestinian people’s right to exist which is at stake, not Israel’s. Their right to freedom, to statehood, to development, and to life itself have been repeatedly violated for more than half a century (since 1948) by an expanding Jewish state whose artificial birth could never have been facilitated without the negation of the indigenous Palestinians.

Instead of coming to terms with this harsh historical reality, and providing workable solutions that can at least guarantee the continued existence of the Palestinians on what is left of Palestine (let alone reverse the injustice committed against them), world leaders often compete to voice their “concerns” that without Arab acceptance of Israel’s “right to exist,” peace and stability in the Middle East can never be achieved.

Speaking at a security conference in Canberra today, Australian Prime Minister John Howard reasserted himself as a key member of this disillusioned chorus of world leaders whose wilful failure to comprehend any logic beyond simplistic interpretations of a complex region continue to allow/encourage Israel to act with impunity and violate the most basic and universally-accepted human rights.

Howard insisted in his address that “…Arab nations must recognise Israel’s right to exist for there to be peace in the Middle East.” “There must be unconditional acceptance throughout the entire Arab world, without exception, of Israel’s right to exist in peace and security behind recognised borders” he elaborated.

Almost as if he felt obliged, under pressure, to mention the word “Palestinian,” Howard went on to say that “…Israel would also have to accept a Palestinian state for the sake of progress in peace.” WOULD HAVE TO, FOR THE SAKE OF PROGRESS IN PEACE? Not for the sake of justice, not for the sake of legal rights, but for the sake of progress in peace.

Mr. Prime Minister, Israel would also HAVE TO abide by international law and end its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories captured in the June 1967 war; HAVE TO stop targeting and killing Palestinian civilians; HAVE TO end its economic strangulation of an already impoverished Palestinian population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; and HAVE TO be held accountable for its crimes against humanity, committed in the name of security and “existence.”

You, Mr. Prime Minister, may also HAVE TO honour your role as a key member of international society by fostering a just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, not a one-sided and imposed settlement outside and above the law, and on the basis of power imbalances. You HAVE TO try to abide by the minimal standards of professional and ethical decency as a world leader by bringing Israel to accept the fact that peace and stability in this troubled region can only be achieved by guaranteeing justice to the Palestinians, as well as security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Instead of feeding the misperception that "…the entire Arab world - including Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas, and in addition Iran - must give up for ever the idea that the Israelis can be driven into the sea," you HAVE TO realise that it is Israel that has been driving Palestinians into neighbouring countries (i.e. deportations and denial of residency), into prisons on the basis of their political beliefs, into poverty and despair, into isolation, and into an endless cycle of imposed concessions that fuel the very foundations of extremism and violence which you claim to oppose. FOR THE SAKE OF PROGRESS IN PEACE, find the courage to address real threats, rather than dwelling on perceived and fabricated ones.

Rami Bathish is director of the Media and Information Programme at the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH). He can be contacted at mip@miftah.org

By the Same Author
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