Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

After two months of halting attacks inside Israel proper, a suicide bomber struck at an Eged bus in the city of Haifa killing 15 youngsters, mostly soldiers and students including some Palestinians with Israeli identity cards. The bus driver, a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship saved himself when he jumped out of the driver’s window with his cellular phone in hand and called for help. The blast was terrible; it ripped the roof of the bus and shattered all the windows.

Twelve hours later, the Israelis ‘retaliate.’ Tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters and war planes attacked a civilian neighborhood at the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza. The invading army killed 11 residents of the refugee camp and wounded a hundred, forty of them in serious condition. The random firing by the Israeli troops has injured two journalists, Reuters reported. In the West Bank city of Bethlehem early Thursday, 26-year-old Osama AlIsis was arrested, taken outside and shot in the head in cold blood. His arrest and execution was not ordered by a judge, but by a vigilante soldier right outside his house.

The Israeli operations in Gaza have become the norm in recent weeks. This is the third incursion of a Gaza residential neighborhood or refugee camp in the past ten days. Each incursion has claimed the lives of at least 11 Palestinians including children, the elderly and a pregnant woman. People were killed by Israeli missiles, bullets, snipers and bulldozers which demolished homes atop of the residents. Since the beginning of 2003, the Israeli army has killed over 160 Palestinians, more than 40 of them children.

We can do nothing but condemn the latest suicide bombing, in order to reserve the humanity of the Palestinian cause. Yes it is true the Israelis use missiles against civilian neighborhoods and have been choking and starving out the Palestinians, but the suicide bombing only provides an excuse for the Israelis to continue their premeditated plan of completely destroying and wiping out the Palestinians, forcing them into submission by giving up their rights of freedom and independence.

The same numbers of Palestinians are being killed on a daily basis, whether a suicide bombing is carried out or not. No Palestinian group has claimed responsibility for the bombing leading some people to question the intentions and goal behind such an attack, which no one but Israel and the Sharon right-wing coalition benefits from.

The right-wing coalition was quick to blame the PNA for the attack, despite the fact they have done everything to destroy and undermine their capability of controlling the areas under their jurisdiction. Damned if they do and damned if they don’t, the PNA is being placed on trial and both the prosecutor and the judge are Israeli, or so it seems.

What took place this morning was only a preview of things to come. The situation in Iraq is sticky and Sharon will have to wait for the US to wage its war on Iraq and then escalate attacks under the pretext of retaliation and self defense. Israeli ‘self defense’ takes place in Palestinian cities, towns, refugee camps and urban neighborhoods! The average number of Palestinians killed in 2003 is 2.7 per day, so how high will this number rise during a time when all eyes are focused on waging a war on Iraq? It is Israel’s expected ‘self defense’ during this time the Palestinians fear the most.

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