Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The United States of America is world leader in many aspects. The USA is the number one superpower, with no country able to match up to its military might. Nevertheless, the most powerful country in the world ranks dead last in many categories, amongst the 19 industrialized countries of the world. The US has the highest murder rate and is the only one to have the legal right to bear arms and the only country that practices capital punishment. With 21% of all black Americans going to sleep hungry, the US also holds the lowest life expectancy. These indicators of structural violence are hypocritically accompanied with shameful media cover-up.

Structural violence is also used as a means to influence decisions related to international issues and debates. The fifteen members of the Security Council had an overwhelming majority opposing the war on Iraq. However, after the US used some pressure through threats and bribes, which not only fall under structural violence but in fact go against the values of democracy, some countries were swayed to support an action which they and the majority of their population and lawmakers were very much opposed to.

Structural violence occurs whenever people are disadvantaged by political, legal, economic or cultural traditions. Such is the situation between the Israeli occupiers and the Palestinians living under occupation. Structural violence has also been tagged as “structural terrorism” after the horrific attacks on the New York twin towers and the Pentagon on 9-11 and is nothing new to Israel. Israel is the only ‘democracy’ which is exclusively for the Jews! Israel has many citizens who are discriminated against through laws aiming at keeping non-Jewish and non-Western Israelis at a second, third and forth classes of citizenships.

These methods which discriminate, differentiate, categorize and highlight differences are not only practiced on the local citizens of Israel, but they are also visible and very real means of sustaining the unjust and illegal occupation of the Palestinian people. Using power to influence justice has been the most commanding tool in the hands of Israelis, who have been able to secure the American lawmakers support by lobbying or even threatening individual interests. These acts of structural violence have only served to increase the threat of real violence, which in return sets off and empowers the methods of structural violence and so on.

The bigger the gap between the very wealthy and the poor, the more the structural terror is leading to more acts of direct terror. The cycle will only stop if the powerful and the wealthy empower the weak; empowerment takes place through respect of international will along with respect to differences without classifying or placing labels. This provides security for both the rich and powerful and the not so rich and powerful alike and should take place only for the sake of humanity, justice and world peace.

The world is only getting smaller and differences are slowly fading away. We can eliminate a great chunk of structural violence by not judging and defining one’s identity in respect to another’s rules, perceptions and behavior. The powerful oppressors need to empower the weak no matter how different, for submitting to racist labels which forces one to take a side and apply structural violence will only continue to take us backwards, burning the bridges which might one day bring this world together.

Structural violence: is the causing of harm by inflexibility and rigidity of the rules of the structure in dealing with difference. Structural violence also is physical and psychological harm from exploitive and unjust social, political and economic systems. Structural violence, however, is almost always invisible, embedded in ever-present social structures, normalized by stable institutions and regular experience. Structural violence occurs whenever people are disadvantaged by political, legal, economic or cultural traditions.

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