Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This Easter Sunday Palestinians woke up to the news of yet another invasion which has claimed the lives of five Palestinians, including a 15-year-old boy at an urban neighborhood in the Rafah refugee camp in southern Gaza. Traditionally at this time of the year, Christian pilgrims come to Jerusalem from all over the world to take part in Easter celebrations at the Holy Sepulcher, a church tradition holds as the tomb of Jesus from which he had risen and is the foundation of the Christian faith. Unlike many Palestinians traveling from the West Bank, the few pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem from foreign countries were actually able to make it to the holy city.

Palestinian Christians, the true descendents of Christ, are trapped in their occupied cities and towns and denied the right to go to Jerusalem and take part in what is expected to be gloomy celebrations. Palestinians in general are not very positive, they have seen the world ‘liberate’ Iraq from an unjust regime, yet no one seems to want to liberate the Palestinians from Israeli occupation.

As the Palestinians watched the Iraqis celebrating the end of a dictatorship, they can only be skeptical and sad for the depressing and inhumane reality in which interests dictate who deserves freedom and who does not, what UN resolutions should be enforced and which UN resolutions can wait. In essence world powers decide who is worthy of ‘freedom’ and who is not.

The Palestinians realize that since they have nothing to offer and since America is such a great friend of the oppressor occupier, they will never be considered worthy or equal. This power which has gone against the international will to support the only source of instability in the Middle East, instead of forcing Israel to comply with the international will and therefore achieving peace and stability in the region, will never be respected until they do as they preach. “Everyone deserves to live in freedom” G.W. Bush said as he prepared for the war on Iraq, does everyone include the Palestinians?

The injustices suffered on the hands of a 36-year-old Israeli occupation which has robbed the Palestinian people, Christian and Muslim, of even the simple pleasures of visiting family during holidays. Sadly, this has become something the locals have adjusted to and the expectations are not improving as the reality on the ground does not lie. People are whishing one another a happy holiday, to come again at a better time in which people can truly celebrate. This has been the holiday wish for Palestinians of all religions in all occasions for the past 36 years.

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