Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Parties involved with the ‘roadmap’ have had to develop a new talent which involves being optimistic yet pessimistic, hopeful yet skeptical, supportive yet uninvolved. Being quoted as opposing the ‘roadmap’ must be avoided at all costs, and yet the general hush-hush consensus is that this plan will join its failed predecessors and being too vocal about its success might leave you as the laughing stock once it all backfires.

The Bush administration continues to criticize actions it supports; 310 Congressmen sign a letter opposing the ‘roadmap’ while the the House International Relations Committee promises substantial financial aid to the Palestinians if they follow through the plan; Israel embraces a peace “partner” in Mahmoud Abbas while increasing its aggression. Confused…so you should be!

Meanwhile, President Bush appears to be living in a fantasy world where a free trade area will be established throughout the Middle East within the next decade. He has also been quoted as being “very optimistic” about the chances for progress, while his White House staff is working overtime to find scapegoats, including Mahmoud Abbas and the Quartet, you can probably even throw in Syria, to divert pointing the finger at America once this charade is uncovered.

10 days since the ‘roadmap’ was presented to both parties and a deadlock has already been reached courtesy of the increasingly shrewd Sharon who is demanding that Palestinian refugee’s ‘right of return’ be dropped from the outset. Ironically enough, Sharon’s stated position coincides with the UN Relief and Works (UNRWA) findings that nearly 13,000 Palestinians have been made homeless by Israel's demolition campaign since September 2000 with a sharp increase in such strikes in recent months. Naturally, Israel will blame Abbas’ “hard-line” refusal to abandon Palestinian refugees as the stalling factor.

Perhaps while the players master the talents required to survive post ‘roadmap’, they should adopt a no, or at the very least an anonymous, quote policy. At this point with so many ambiguous, misleading and deceptive comments appearing throughout the media, and the resulting headache for the layman to decipher them, it might be best for everyone to pay little attention to the current stock of quotes on the ‘roadmap’, until the parties develop a clear and consistent standpoint.

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