Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On the 55th anniversary of Al Nakba (The Catastrophe), the resonating emotion seems to be one of bafflement at how such an immense and tragic injustice continues to be denied. Five and a half decades ago, Israel forcibly and illegally expelled the larger part of the Palestinian population from its land, and from the course of history itself. When the state of Israel was created in 1948, nine hundred thousand Palestinians were made refugees (today there are more than five million Palestinian refugees) and five hundred and thirty one Palestinian villages were systematically terrorized, destroyed and wiped out. Israel is guilty of negating the culture, history, and rights of the Palestinian people.

To this day, Israel’s policies continue to violate Palestinian rights, most prominently through expansion of illegal settlements on Palestinian territory, the demolition of Palestinian homes, and the rejection of Palestinian refugees’ right of return. Israel has no will or intention of putting a just end to the conflict. In fact, Israel intends to continue its legacy of forcible transfer, with the only concession acceptable being the creation of prison like enclaves controlled by Israel as a substitute for a viable Palestinian state. Sharon told The Jerusalem Post newspaper in an interview on Tuesday that Israel would retain settlements in the heart of the West Bank, citing Beit El, Ariel and Emmanuel. Israeli control over those areas would make it impossible to establish a territorially contiguous Palestinian state in the West Bank, a goal of the so-called ‘road map’ to Middle East peace.

Despite Sharon’s arrogant defiance of the international community’s will and blatant ridicule of Powell’s visit, the Bush administration remains silent. The Americans invented the concept of the peace process, whereby the process is far more important than peace and continue to sell this to the world. America has always had contradictory interests in the Middle East, which include protecting certain regimes in the area that preserve American interests (therefore entailing paying lip service to the Palestinian cause) while maintaining its unwavering commitment to Israel. The ‘road map’ is America’s latest effort to maintain the status quo.

In establishing the Israeli state, a process of de-Arabizing Palestine and Judaizing it, the Israeli collective memory erased one side of the story in order to live with only the glorious chapter. So dehumanized are the Palestinians and so embedded is the notion of moral supremacy in the Israeli psyche that their continued oppression of an entire people, including the killing of over 2353 Palestinians, barely registers on the minds of Israelis. Israel must come to terms with its own history and acknowledge the suffering it has inflicted upon the Palestinian people. Any attempt by Israel to abrogate responsibility and evade its obligation towards the Palestinians contradicts the achievement of a just and genuine peace in the region.

The world must not remain silent about the crimes committed against the Palestinians whose rights, under the provisions of international law, remain disregarded and dismissed by Israel. Justice must be met; Israel must recognize the Palestinian refugees’ right of return, it must withdraw to the June 1967 boundaries, it must dismantle all Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian land, and most urgently, Israel must stop the ongoing brutality against an unarmed Palestinian civilian population. Until this is fulfilled, Al-Nakba will remain an ongoing episode in the life of the Palestinian people.

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