Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Following the Israeli government’s bitter acceptance of the ‘roadmap’ on Sunday, General Ariel Sharon addressed his fellow Likud members the next day, in an attempt to calm their outrage at what they see as a threat to Israel’s security (recognition of the basic Palestinian human rights).

Instead, Sharon only seemed to fuel their anger by stating that he thinks “…the idea of keeping 3.5 million Palestinians under occupation is the worst thing for Israel, for the Palestinians and also for the Israeli economy. You may not like the word, but what's happening is occupation. Israel’s control over the Palestinians cannot continue without end. Do you want to stay forever in Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah and Bethlehem? That is not right,” he said.

Is this a sudden awakening of Israel’s sense of humanity and justice? Not only did Sharon personally refer to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories as occupation (a rare sign of logic in Israeli policy), but he also said it is “…not right.” Unfortunately, Sharon’s statements were neither a sign of pragmatism nor enlightenment. They could, at best, qualify as a Freudian Slip!

A quick change of heart soon followed on Tuesday, as criticism mounted from radical members of his right wing coalition government. Sharon swiftly shifted into damage control mode, desperately attempting to reinvent his statements to suit mainstream Israeli repression politics again. “Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein called me yesterday and confirmed that the official word used for the territories is ‘disputed’” he said, apparently regretful of his earlier statements.

This somewhat clumsy political saga must not go unnoticed.

That Sharon’s (unintended) mere reference to Israel’s status in the Palestinian territories as occupation has stirred such explosive anger on the Israeli political arena is alarming. When/if Israel is put to the real test of peacemaking with the Palestinians (troop withdrawal, settlement freeze, and so on), will the Israeli government be able/willing to deliver? Apparently, it all depends on the magnitude of Israeli resistance to peace.

Equally alarming is Sharon’s ‘rubber-coated steel bullet’ style terminology, which deceptively attempts to insinuate that Israel will make the “painful territorial concessions.” Yet, with 14 Israeli reservations regarding the ‘roadmap’ already in place, what guarantees do the Palestinians have that Israel’s definition of withdrawal will not literally only entail not staying “…forever in Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah and Bethlehem?”

Most dangerously, Sharon’s ‘soft-spoken’ reflection on reality may well be a tactful manoeuvre that is only intended to temporarily calm Palestinian frustration with the current situation, and bring an artificial ray of hope to more than 3.5 million people in captivity. What better way could inject a sense of security (much needed by Israel itself) to a deeply desperate population than to declare an unbinding recognition of their suffering, free of charge, free of commitment?

Ironically, Sharon’s irrational and abrupt use of the term occupation is being more vigorously scrutinised by Israelis than his brutal practice of it against the Palestinians. Perhaps, after all, a change of heart in Israeli society is what we all need.

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