Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

As the events over the past two days unraveled, an overwhelming feeling that hope and history are doomed to never cross paths in the Middle East engulfed the minds of those who most often find themselves caught in the crossfire – the Palestinian and Israeli civilians. The killing of the innocent will linger in the thoughts of future generations and with each death the anger will be further fuelled until our respective leaders either tragically wipe out each other’s people or assume their obligations and responsibilities by salvaging the remains of the ‘road map.’

Israel’s botched assassination of Abdel Aziz Rantisi, and the innocent lives lost and injured during the attempt justifiable show that Israeli Prime Minister Sharon does not miss an opportunity to drag the conflict back towards violent confrontation. His inability to break away from the military general of yesteryears and assume the role demanded by the conflict of a peace partner was on full display as Israeli Apache helicopters wreaked havoc on Gaza.

Obviously threatened by the emerging need to address illegal outposts and settlements and to provide Palestinians with a contiguous and independent state, expressed by President Bush during the Aqaba Summit, Sharon found a way to kill two birds with one stone when he ordered Tuesday’s military operation. He has managed to deflect international pressure by reigniting the cycle of violence and then conveniently placing the blame squarely on the Palestinians and more importantly he torpedoed the ‘road map.’

While no doubt this reasserted Sharon’s power among both his right wing government and extreme Israeli settlers, whose violence and lawlessness unashamedly drowns out the more reasoned voices in Israel and continues to hijack any attempt to reach lasting peace, his actions seem poised to lead Israelis down a dangerous path that threatens further destabilization, fear and violence with no end in sight.

Reports that have surfaced during this week of the Israeli High Court ordering an injunction against the removal of outposts to consider the legality of such actions, seemingly making a mockery of international law, and renewed calls by Israeli Defense Minister Mofaz to deport Palestinian President Arafat seem to throw further doubt on Israel’s commitment to peace.

Israelis must ask themselves if they really want to place their trust in a leader who seems busy name calling, dismissing the Palestinian leadership as “cry babies” and describing Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas as a “chick that hasn't grown its feathers yet," while his only solution continues to be reckless violence with a total disregard for human lives and the imperatives of peace. It is time for Israelis to ask where Sharon and his fanatical ruling coalition are leading them.

But what about the responsibility on Palestinians and in particular Mahmoud Abbas to deliver on the promise of securing a ceasefire from militant groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad? It seems that Sharon has managed to sabotage any chance Mahmoud Abbas had of arriving at an agreement to end the violence and armed resistance by these groups, knowing well the sensitivity and explosive nature of such domestic dialogue within Palestinian society.

As Hamas was coming around to resuming talks on a possible cessation or suspension of attacks on Tuesday, the timing of the assassination clearly shows that Sharon did not wish to see the Palestinian prime minister succeed. In fact, if anything, the assassination was likely to increase Israel’s security concerns, as the scores of innocent bystanders killed by the operation, would fuel Palestinian anger and further popularize militant groups’ call for continuing the armed struggle against the occupation.

Despite Sharon’s provocations, the various Palestinian factions must consider the grave consequences of their actions and whether they are synchronous with Palestinian aspirations of an independent and democratic Palestinian state.

At this critical juncture, it is necessary for President Bush to be directly involved in returning both sides towards implementing the ‘road map.’ Having staked so much of his personal prestige at the Aqaba Summit, Bush must now step up to the promises he made and take charge in ensuring the survival of a peace plan already in turmoil. The temptation to withdraw before a potential political fiasco must be resisted. The fate of Israelis, Palestinians and the wider stability of the Middle East depends on this.

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