Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

As the occupied Palestinians continue to unilaterally carry out steps outlined in the American brokered ‘roadmap’ to peace, Israelis are yet to recognize the Palestinian right to exist or stop their hateful incitement as the ‘roadmap’ demands.

According to Phase I of the ‘roadmap:’ “Israeli leadership issues unequivocal statement affirming its commitment to the two-state vision of an independent, viable sovereign Palestinian state..” More importantly the ‘roadmap’ addresses the issue of incitement calling on “Palestinians and Israelis resume security cooperation […] to end violence, terrorism and incitement” The ‘roadmap’ gets even more specific insistent that “All official Israeli institutions end incitement against Palestinians.”

Nevertheless, the map of greater Israel continues to be highlighted on Israeli TV without any recognition of the Palestinian territories which are occupied by Israel. Israel has not launched a campaign in which they educate their citizens, who are mostly immigrants, on history and international law or the Palestinian right to live in freedom on 22% of historical Palestine. As the ‘roadmap’ clearly acknowledges: without Israeli recognition of the Palestinian internationally accredited and long ignored rights there will be no reconciliation process which will lead to the failure of any peace initiative.

Israel is slowly turning the American ‘roadmap’ document into an Israeli document demanding the occupied to unilaterally act to secure Israeli existence and occupation of Palestinian land, Gaza and the West Bank including east Jerusalem. The number of illegal outposts is more than it was the day Israel pledged to remove all outposts and freeze settlement activity, this has been a condition for ever peace initiative proposed. Everyone knows that the settlements create an obstacle to peace and Sharon and his coalition government of settlers continue their illegal contractions.

Furthermore, Minister of Transportation Lieberman, a Russian Jew who immigrated to Israel in the 1990s, has made some very racist remarks which he repeated on three occasions in less than 24 hours. When asked if he would like to be on the Palestinian prisoner release committee during the Israeli cabinet meeting Lieberman replied: "The only thing I am ready to do is ... I am willing to bring the buses that will take those prisoners to a place they'll never come back from. I prefer to drown them in the Dead Sea". "It would be better to drown these prisoners, in the Dead Sea if possible, since that's the lowest point in the world," the ultra-nationalist transportation minister and the leader of the extreme right-wing Russian immigrant National Union party, Avigdor Lieberman, later told public radio.

These remarks came on the same day in which Palestinian and Israeli ministers met to discuss ways to curb incitement with, again, unilateral pledges from the Palestinian side.

The Palestinians have made a great sacrifice by accepting 22% of historical Palestine as their desired future Palestinian state. The Palestinians have also recognized Israel’s right to exist and acknowledged the hardships which the Jewish people went through on the hands of the Europeans during WW2. It is now time for Israel to show a desire for peace and to grant a people who have been long occupied and denied their basic rights their freedom. It is time to end the incitement and to educate the Israeli public, not only for the sake of Palestine, but for the sake of Israel and its future amongst its neighbors.

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