Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

The idiocy of Sharon’s right-wing government continues to be exposed by three Israeli policies that vindicate the people who say Israel only understands the language of force. The threat to ‘remove’ Yasser Arafat, the accelerated construction of the separation wall and the extra-judicial targeted killing of Hamas and Islamic Jihad members have all backfired and are exposing an irresponsible and lost Israeli government guided by a personal vendetta.

When Ehud Olmert, number two in Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's government, announced to the world in a television interview on Sunday that assassinating Arafat was an option being considered, condemnation from the international community followed rapidly. Oblivious to the repercussions of such a hostile act, Olmert, who is supported in his call to assassinate Arafat by Defense Minister Mofaz, went on to express that morally such an operation would be justified. With one swift move, Israel grabbed Arafat from the sidelines and placed him center stage, indirectly establishing that the Palestinian President remained off limits.

It is important to warn that an American veto of a Security Council resolution aimed at protecting Arafat from attempts to exile or kill him can be viewed as implied, though not express, permission to carry out such an operation by an extremist Israeli government looking for an excuse.

Israel continues to assassinate Hamas and Islamic Jihad members with only slight disapproval from the international community, but this policy is also miserably failing. Despite the curfews, closures, checkpoints, raids and house-to-house searches, suicide attackers are still managing to infiltrate the Green Line and Hamas continues to grow in popularity. Ami Ayalon, former chief of Israel's Shin Bet, gives a surprisingly reasoned explanation when he stated that Israel’s war on Hamas cannot be won in military terms “because Hamas is not an organization per se but an ideological movement incorporating the aspirations of many Palestinians who lost their hope in a negotiating process and seek to remove the occupation and find a better life."

If anything, it seems that Israel’s policy of all out war with Hamas has only served to strengthen the movement's hold on the Palestinian street.

Convinced that there must be some physical way of containing Palestinians, without having to give up the occupation, Israel has resolved to accelerate the construction of a separation wall. Not only does this policy further dive Israel into a moral abyss, with its clear symbolism of apartheid and oppression, it has also lead the Bush Administration to consider imposing financial penalties on Israel. The US intends to withhold part of a $9 billion loan guarantee package for Israel because of its actions in the occupied Palestinian territories, US officials said on Monday.

While the penalty is unlikely to be severe, if the amount proved to be remotely significant then the Bush administration would be taking the first concrete action to express its disapproval of certain measures by Israel, a move the Israeli government would have liked to avoid. Any such action would clearly cause friction between the two countries in a time when Israel needs unwavering and blind American support. The fact that Sharon was unable to maneuver himself out of this situation exposes Israel’s miscalculated policies.

The problem with the current Israeli government is its continued failure to formulate a comprehensive strategy that will lead its people to peace. Sadly, Sharon’s attempts to cover up his government’s failings by fostering an atmosphere of panic, fear and despair has so deeply encroached the Israeli psyche, leading a growing majority of Israelis to believe that military might and violence are the only solution.

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