Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

So why are people so angry at America? Wasn’t America a model for freedom, equal rights and prosperity for most people in the Middle East? How come America does not uphold the same values it preaches in the Middle East?

According to the BBC “a panel of experts chosen by the Bush administration found that good will towards America had plummeted in the past year, from Jordan to Indonesia. One member of the panel, John Zogby, said America's standing in the Muslim and Arab world could not get any worse than it was today. The report's authors stressed that they were not addressing US policies per se but their presentation, arguing that the US was often "not even present for the debate" with the Muslim world.”

To most Palestinians US involvement at Madrid in 92’ was a good day. America was viewed as ignorant to the plight of the Palestinians and their involvement meant that they will once and for all learn the truth and seek a just solution. Even though, the Palestinians kicked off the peace process with a great and historical concession, recognizing Israel’s right to exist as an independent state on 78% of historical Palestine (captured in the 1948 war), the Israelis continued their land theft, settlement construction and expansion.

Yes, America failed miserably for internal politics along with a powerful lobby and its eager spin machines assured the loss of US integrity as an evenhanded seeker of peace and freedom through liberation. America’s popularity started to quickly decline, even the freedoms and values America holds are viewed as inconsistent and not credible. There are no excuses, the US government is aware and is consciously going against the values it preaches by completely siding with the occupier against international will, laws and resolutions.

The current US government chose not to get involved in the conflict prior to 9-11, but to the Palestinians living under occupation the Apache helicopters, F-16 missiles, M-16 machineguns and American made tanks and jeeps reflect the ever so present American involvement. Unlike European countries, who banned the use of weapons sold to Israel from being used to sustain the occupation (in the occupied territory), the Americans considered F-16 missile attacks on urban neighborhoods in the West Bank and Gaza as self defense! Supplying and funding Israel’s occupation, America is too involved and is incapable of playing the role of the ‘fair mediator.’

Today, after America sent a monitoring mission to report abuses of the latest peace proposal, the US government is yet to force Israel to comply with International law or even steps required in the ‘roadmap.’ An Israeli human rights organization reports that more than 600 settlement units have been constructed throughout the West Bank including east Jerusalem. B’Tselem also reports on the plans approved by the Israeli government to construct some 1000 other settlement units over the next year. The separation wall opposed by the US is being funded by American taxpayers and America is not even capable of making Israel change the route of the concrete wall which it recognizes as an obstacle in the road to peace.

The Palestinians and Israelis are in need of a true fair mediator, someone who will hold both sides responsible and not blame the occupied for the security of the occupier while the occupier continues to act as a state above the law against all wishes, even that of America.

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