Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

On the brink of a just solution, an Israeli extremist, fearful of the political climate that was taking shape, ruthlessly murdered Yitzhak Rabin. His countless stabs left a peace process to bleed into oblivion. Since then, the Israeli leftist parties seem to be languishing. The Labor party sways from wanting to restart peace talks, but being overwhelmingly silenced by the reigning right parties, to wishing to join Likud to ensure its survival in the face of an Israeli public slipping deeper and deeper into fanaticism.

Instead of persevering with the peace Rabin embarked on with Arafat and venturing forward, Barak receded into the security of conflict. As a result we witnessed Barak systematically destroy his predecessor’s achievements by waging an all out military assault against Palestinians and resurrecting deep rooted racism that had been submerged with the killing of 13 Palestinian-Israeli citizens who were peacefully demonstrating against the resurgence of hostilities.

As Peres, the current Labor party leader, serves as an apologist to a government founded on the principles of racism and oppression, Palestinians wonder where their peace partners are while dodging constant criticism that they are the reason for the stalled “road map.” Was peace lost forever on that fateful day? Though Rabin had a long history of brutality towards the Palestinians, in his latter days he was graced with wisdom that the only way to protect and secure Israel’s future was to forge a just, permanent and peaceful solution with the Palestinians.

“The death of Rabin is a failure to us all,” Israeli President Moshe Katsav said in a statement he delivered on Thursday during a memorial service held in Rabin’s memory. Perhaps the greatest tragedy is the lesson unlearned by Rabin’s death. Rather than pursue the peaceful road that had been paved, many Israelis opted to vilify Rabin, including Israeli Prime Minister Sharon, and today the thriving extremists in Israeli society drive cars with bumper stickers and posters labeling the former Israeli leader a traitor.

Slipping farther away from its aspiration to be a moral and democratic nation living in security and peace, Israel continues to expand settlements, which have tripled in area and numbers since the signing of the Oslo Accords 1993, and is embarking on unprecedented land grabs, ensuring the failure of a viable two-state solution. Aided and abetted by the neo-cons that occupy the U.S. government and unabashedly sympathize with current Israeli policies, Israel’s right has effectively silenced the Israeli left, rendering them weak and powerless.

The point at which the peace process was on Rabin’s death has long disappeared, and in its stead violence, hate and distrust on both sides has been allowed to ferment. Once there were two partners, both interested in making a conscious effort to strive for peace and end the conflict. To return to that atmosphere, the remaining Israeli left must reenergize and engage the Israeli public once again to the possibility of peace and the Palestinian leadership should be alert and responsive to meet those on the Israeli side working for peace half way.

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