Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

“Palestine, the Land of the three monotheistic faiths, is where the Palestinian Arab people were born, on which they grew, developed and excelled. The Palestinian people were never separated from or diminished in their integral bonds with Palestine. Thus the Palestinian Arab people ensured for themself an everlasting union between themself, their land and their history.” […] “The Palestine National Council, in the name of God, and in the name of the Palestinian Arab people; hereby proclaims the establishment of the State of Palestine on our Palestinian territory with its capital Holy Jerusalem (A l-Quds Ash-Sharif).”

This declaration took place on November 15th in 1988 and the overwhelming majority of the countries in the world recognized Palestine as a state, an entity, a nation in the making.

Today, a decade and a half later, the Palestinians have all the symbols of independence and statehood, but are yet to be liberated from Israel’s growing military occupation. November 15th is a national holiday here in Palestine; the national anthem will be played out loud with pride, small marching bands will hold a parade in which the Palestinian flags will fly high and emotional speeches will commemorate this day. Everyone will participate: the children, woman, and government officials, both public and private sectors. It is an ironic and sad event yet people will, as accustomed, not allow the occupation to dictate their lives and will symbolically challenge the occupier by remembering their declaration of independence.

“The State of Palestine herewith declares that it believes in the settlement of regional and international disputes by peaceful means, in accordance with the UN Charter and resolutions. Without prejudice to its natural right to defend its territorial integrity and independence, it therefore rejects the threat or use of force, violence and terrorism against its territorial integrity or political independence, as it also rejects their use against the territorial integrity of other states.” The declaration reads.

Palestinians have been reaching out for peace and been seeking the same goals, making the same historical concessions for the sake of peace. Yet they continue to be let down by the world powers, which are refusing to create a peace partner within Israel or educate the Israeli people to recognize the great injustice done to a nation, while demanding they give back land and compensation for the sake of peace.

The Palestinians are still reaching out, as the rules continue to change and the excuses used by the powers in control continue to get more unrealistic, blaming the occupied for resisting their occupier! Palestinians have clear goals and their will is unbreakable, yet the occupation is expanding, stealing land and now building a segregation colonization wall which will give Israel control over more than half the Palestinian land (22% of historical Palestine).

On this symbolic day, for a nation and a people that have become experts on symbols which are necessary to keep hope alive, one should applaud the endurance. As true and complete independence is to come.

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14 Emil Touma Street,
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