Wednesday, 3 July. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

For Long the US and Israel have demanded the dismantlement of militant groups by the Palestinian leadership in order to move forward with the peace process. Yet this has been resisted by the Palestinians for fear it would trigger an internal conflict, possibly even a full blown civil war.

For long the Palestinians have demanded the dismantlement of illegal Israeli settlements and outposts, 56 of which have been established since Sharon came to power in March 2001 according to Peace Now, in order to ensure the viability of a two-state solution. Yet this has been resisted by the Israeli leadership under the guise that it would be a “reward for terrorism,” though the real reason is fear that such a move would trigger an internal conflict between the Israeli government and the Jewish extremist settlers.

For long the US seems to turn a deaf ear to Palestinian concerns while sympathizing with Israeli dilemmas, divulging an undeniable double standard that plagues the “road map” peace plan. Recent reports in the Israeli press that the US had "severely criticized" Israel's settlement activity including attempts to set up new outposts are welcomed at this critical juncture of renewed truce talks among Palestinian factions.

Egypt's intelligence chief Omar Suleiman seemed optimistic following talks he had with the head of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency and other Israeli officials as well as Palestinian Prime Minister Qurei and President Arafat on Monday saying, “there will be a truce and there will be dialogue," adding that Israeli leaders appeared receptive. While he gave no further details, it is expected that he would call on Hamas and Islamic Jihad to halt their campaign of attacks against Israel, in the hope that a unilateral ceasefire would, if successful, result in a multilateral truce with Israel.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Sha’ath said that Mohsen al-Buheiri, Suleiman’s deputy, would travel to Gaza City on Wednesday where he would hold talks with representatives from Hamas and the smaller Islamic Jihad. This would be followed by similar but separate talks that Qurei intends to hold with the same leaders later this week in Gaza City leading to a more comprehensive session in Cairo by the end of the month.

Mousa Abu Marzook, a Hamas leader, signaled earlier this month in Cairo his group’s readiness for a truce if it was backed by the international community and Israel publicly commits to it. This was further affirmed by Adnan Asfour, a Hamas leader in the West Bank, stating that "Hamas' position is that we are ready to study a cease-fire if we receive guarantees from states -- any country -- that Israel will stop all forms of attacks, raids and assassinations." Nafez Azzam, an Islamic Jihad spokesman in Gaza, said Monday his group would halt attacks on Israelis, "if Israel stops its attacks on our people."

Sharon has been under growing pressure at home to resume the peace process and show that he can deliver ‘security’ to his people. Last week, four former directors of Israel's Shin Bet security service warned that Israel is headed for disaster if the conflict with the Palestinians is not settled soon. They also accused Sharon of stalling in order to avoid making concessions. This follows the remarks made by Lt. Gen. Moshe Yaalon, chief of staff of the Israeli armed forces, in which he opined that Israel’s military tactics were crippling innocent Palestinians and threatening Israel's own interests, showing that displeasure and dissent with Sharon’s policies is on the rise.

While the Israeli military favors accepting a truce without a crackdown on militants, the Shin Bet security service opposes it. However, in order to show his willingness to reach a peace deal and abate his critics, Sharon might, at first, be inclined not to reject truce talks outright. Though this is a far cry from committing to a truce, it at least creates the necessary atmosphere needed for Qurei to move forward for the time being.

It is vital that America does not recede in its involvement during this time, but applies the appropriate pressure, while not reverting to double standards, to ensure that a potential ceasefire between Palestinians and Israelis is given a real chance to succeed. It must be warned that failure would likely lead to the fall of Ahmed Qurei’s cabinet and allow violence to soar again.

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